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A goat stew cocoyam and small eggplants Cameroon, sublimated by ZESOK spices for meat

Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK

Hello Dear All and All,

Bienvenue à Vous, nouvelles et nouveaux abonnés 😉 😉

Le froid s’installe insidieusement. Sa morsure plus vive que jamais est appelée à durer, et devenir plus brûlante au fur et à mesure que l’hiver prendra ses aises. Les nouvelles d’ici et d’ailleurs, ne sont pas toujours douces, entre revendications de toutes sortes, casses, interpellations, fusillades, accidents… Cependant des enfants continuent de naître, les mariages à être célébrés, des accords à être scellés. Yes, love and hope are resisting ...

Me for some days, I think to a distant Proust's madeleine, depuis que j’ai acheté de la viande de chèvre chez Bao le Marché du soleil, at the Basilique de Saint-Denis shopping center, located at 1, Place du Caquet, 93200 Saint-Denis

A simple dishes, as exceptional dishes know how to be. A simmered as there, ideal for this cold weather. A beautiful meat mixture, spices and cocoyam * as Mom did. At least, almost …

Les choses s’emboîtent bien. Indeed, I have in my possession the magnificent Cameroonian spice I rebats your ears and offers recipes of my creation in recent months. Spices ZESOK pour ne pas les nommer !

Wonders Joel, a Computer Engineer based in Germany, with part of his family living in Cameroon, transformed, promotes and sustains while keeping the original flavors.

Les produits ZESOK are no preservatives, no additives, sans glutamate, gluten free and vegan compatible

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Le montant de la réduction était versé à lAssociation for the Promotion of Rural Libraries – Asprobir, l’association that provides libraries in rural schools in Cameroon


Now let's make way for a recipe that will warm us up, bodies and hearts and which will also have its place on our festive table

A goat cheese stew with macabo and small eggplants, sublimated by ZESOK spices for meat …

Stew is a unique dish traditionally cooked over low or medium heat and for a long time. It is an ancient and popular delicacy and can be found with various local variations in all parts of the world.. We love it in Cameroon. Do not hesitate to comment out the recipe, the name of this dish or an equivalent in your country. And why not other names of goat meat ? Mbodi at my daddy's house. More information on the macabo in the section (Tips / variants / advice).

Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK

Goat cheese stew with macabo and small eggplants, sublimated by ZESOK spices for meat

For 6 to 10 people

Preparation time : 20 minutes

Cooking time : 2 hours

Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK

What you need

- 1kg of goat meat (piece necklace)

–1 sachet d’épices ZESOK pour viande (Ricinodenron(Djansan)/Afrostyrax(Washer)/African nutmeg(Pebè)/White Pepper / Black Pepper / Green Anise / Clove)

–10 small Cameroonian eggplants, africaines

– 3 tablespoons neutral oil (sunflower, colza, peanut…)

– 4 garlic cloves or 1 tablespoonful of garlic semolina

– 2 large yellow onions, thinly sliced

- A piece of 4 sides of 5 cm (Tetrapleura tetraptera, essesse)

– 3 piments dits antillais (optional) ou végétariens qui ne piquent pas et sentent si bon

- Salt (focus spice mixture is already salty)

– 4 macabos (2 white and / or 2 red)

– 2 liters of hot water

Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK

Preparation of the recipe

- Wash the meat well with plenty of water to remove the small pieces of bone. remove excess fat (use 1 lemon cut in 2, white vinegar or coarse salt to thoroughly clean the meat). Rinse it with cold water and place it in a large bowl

- Season the pieces of goat cheese with salt, working by hand to distribute it well and make it penetrate into the meat

- In a casserole dish, brown the pieces of goat cheese in very hot oil for about ten minutes

- Add the onions, as well as garlic, ZESOK spices, pre-washed eggplants, the essèssè, the small fresh bay leaf and cover the meat with hot water. Let it be for now (over medium heat 1 hour 30 minutes)


During that time,

- Place a bowl filled with water near the work plan.

- Peel the macabos successively and put them in the salad bowl prepared for this purpose.

- Get rid of the peels and wash the tubers with plenty of water

- Cut into sections ( 6 or 8) depending on the length of the potato

- Rinse thoroughly with cold water and place in the pot after the hour and 30 minutes of slow cooking

- Add water if necessary, adjust seasoning, cover and cook over high heat between 15 minutes and 20 minutes

The meat is done when & rsquo; it is tender and melting and cocoyam softened

Je fais confiance à votre imagination et vous prie de nous raconter vos envolées gourmandes avec cette proposition culinaire…

La recette vous a plu ? So, inscrivez-vous sur la liste de diffusion du blog lyrique et gourmand, parlez-en autour de vous et laissez -nous un commentaire, (see below ), cela nous encouragera et nous fera plaisir 😉 de continuer à vous faire plaisir 😉 , thank you !!!

Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK

Tips / advice / variants

– This stew is a unique dish. You can replace macabo with yam, potato, sweet potato, green or ripe plantains or cocoyam

Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK
Stewed goat cocoyam and spices for meat ZESOK

Some important information


“Goat meat, a meat that multiplies the benefits :

  • Lean meat (50 to 65 % less fatty than beef (when prepared similarly), to a content equivalent protein)
  • A low cholesterol
  • Excellent nutritional value
  • A less marked than that of the lamb flavor.

*The goat is a good protein quality meat, and lean compared to the most common ; otherwise, its fat content is low in saturated fatty acids and cholesterol was lower for the other meats, making it interesting for people concerned about low-calorie and low-cholesterolemic diets…”

Synonyms : Dream flower / Chou Caribbean / False Taro / Taro (in some regions of the Antilles)/ Malanga

*the Cameroon, it is called cocoyam. AT Sao Tome and Principe, it is called Really pretty superficial.Well. In Colombia, he is called bore, in Costa Rica tiquizque or MACal, the Mexico, take, the Nicaragua, quequisque, the Panama, otoy while that & rsquo; the Brazil, c & rsquo; is take or malanga like a Haiti , and leaves, also eaten, are called taioba the Brazil and Baombé the Cameroon. the Tonga, it is known as the house Futuna (« taro of Futuna »).

*The macabo is a stronger plant than the taro and it can exceed 2 m high. It has a relatively short rod, which bears large leaves on strong d & rsquo petioles; a meter or more. Leaves, sagittées or hastées, are secured to the basis of their profound sinus and between 50 and 75 cm de long. The basal lobes are triangular. the tuber, which has a length of about 15 to 25 cm, is wider towards the apex (side facing the ground) (see chapter 10, photo 34). Lateral tubers are produced in quantities of 10 or more (according to Onwueme, 1978 et Purseglove, 1985).

Here is an article to taste

Pages 8/9/10.



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