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Myèlè ma sèssè / mi sessèbè (One of Mama's green plantain stews)

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Here is one of the recipes made on Sunday 31 May as part of the Miamshow

See their Igtv (Instagram)

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We are very busy (One of Mama's green plantain stews)

I loved that Mom made me this dish. She also cooked it for the new born babies she visited.. Legend has it that this recipe promotes the flow of milk and restores strength and pep to mom and dad too.

In Cameroon, myèlè ma sessè is often cooked in large quantities, and gets its name from the fact that the cooked plantain and unbleached palm oil are put in a large container for the grand finale. (As far as I know, for the coastal region). Indeed, both are then shaken, mixed, returned several times, to the strength of the arms and shoulders, with the rest of the very starched cooking water to obtain a smooth yellow / orange sauce in which the pieces of plantain swoon (Cameroonian appellation for green plantain and ripe plantain for ripe plantain).

This is one of those simple recipes (all the elements are put in one pot and cook together , one pot) and complex, peeling green plantain, whose skin may leave a sticky liquid on the fingers (see tips) and above all the dexterity needed to sess and make a gourmet velouté should not be neglected. I, lazily, I celebrated the marriage of spiced plantain and red oil (of palms) from the cooking pan of the green plantain, with my spatula for registrar.

This dish has other names and has cooking variations, with animal protein, fresh or dried, or not at all, (as an accompaniment only), depending on the region in which we are in Cameroon (mpèlè, kneaded…)

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Myèlè ma sessè (One of Mama's green plantain stews)

A concentrate of flavors and spices

For 2 to 4 people

Preparation time 5 minutes

Cooking time : 20/25 minutes

What you need

– 3 green plantains

– 600 to 700 g of water (or more if you want a more slick or a little more liquid version)

– 200 g smoked fish (mackerel for me)

– 1 large tablespoon of homemade seasoning broth

– 1 Shaved coffee of pèbè (a kind of very fragrant nutmeg); find out more, click and consult the Tips / Advice / Variants / information.

– 1 tsp washer (garlic tree fruit, see here ) from @zesok or garlic as a powder

– 1 or 2 ground cloves

– 1 chopped onion

– 1 little piece of essesse(4 sides) or a little cumin

- Red oil (Palm oil), 3 to 4 soup spoons

- Fleur de sel and Pepper from Penja IGP, black or white

– 1 handful of spinach (optional). In this recipe , I put vegetables from my garden ( a mixture of nightshade also called sisan, zom, ndjap or, village vegetables + radish tops)

- Fresh parsley and hot pepper or not for the dressing

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Preparation of the recipe

- Wash the green plantains thoroughly and cut their ends

- Peel them by making one or two notches along the entire length of the starch and firmly remove their skin under water

- Lightly scrape the plantains (recover this pulp),

- Cut into medium slices

- Put the pieces in a saucepan with the water, spices (washers, father, clove, essesse), 1 c to 2 homemade broth soup and chopped onion, smoked fish, the previously scraped pulp, salt and simmer, covered, for 20 to 25 mn minutes

- Add the sliced ​​vegetables if you have any. Leave in this case, cook 2 more minutes

- Adjust seasoning, add palm oil, pepper and mix well,

Enjoy your meal !!!

Click on the picture to enlarge

Tips / Advice / variants / information

*Make two incisions lengthwise on the side opposite to the first. This will make it easier to peel the very firm skin of the green plantain banana.

* Dip the green plantain in water to remove the skin more easily and not to have any sap on the fingers

*Occasionally stir your preparation for :

– Prevent her from hanging up

– Thicken the juice of the plantain

*Scrape the plantain a little bit to add binder and smoothness to the stew

*Red palm oil is frozen in the cold. Before use, heat it without making it smoke, nor bleach

*Peel the plantain in a large volume of water so as not only to have no sap sticking to your hands, but also to loosen the skin more easily thanks to the notches that absorb water

*If you don't have a non-stick pan, mix from time to time to prevent the contents from sticking to the bottom of the pot.

Nathalie Brigaud Oum

Author the My kitchen imprecise. To buy it,

- Click https://envoleesgourmandes.wixsite.com/envoleesgourmandes/livre



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