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26/12 Workshops / Courses / Training / Aperitifs and spices madness. Spices offered and delivered free of charge if registration by 16 December

Workshops / Courses / Training / Aperitifs and spices madness

Savory and sweet

Inscriptions au plus tard le 16 December (savory and sweet recipes)
Cook up some pretty spicy appetizers (not spicy !!!) aux saveurs africaines et épatez vos invités
Initiation aux épices Zesok
Une douzaine de bouchées salées et sucrées
– Green sauce (aromatic herbs and vegetables)
– Tomato sauce with white folé / bissap
Sauce aux agrumes de saison
Saturday 26/12/20

De nombreuses astuces, alternative advice will be shared with you , techniques used

*Spices Zesok that are offered and delivered to you will be studied



(Sao on Dikwamba)silky Spread safou into his greedy cassava cup
(Sao on Dikwamba)silky Spread safou into his greedy cassava cup



The detail of the ingredients, equipment and utensils, as well as the Zoom link will be communicated to you after payment.

The Tariff

Unit price of a course: 46 euros including tax

Subscriber(e) to the blog -15 % of discount (Member of the Envolées Gourmandes club): 39,1 EUROS

PayPal payment link



Small pizzas plantain Fourme d'Ambert and fresh figs
Small pizzas plantain Fourme d'Ambert and fresh figs




creative variations on plantain
creative variations on plantain




Candice Delights (Increasing the morning or afternoon and stewed express)
Candice Delights (Increasing the morning or afternoon and stewed express)








For non-subscribers

Offer to buy 3 workshops - 5 % of discount

Offer to buy 6 workshops - 10 % of discount

Offer to buy 10 workshops - 15 % of discount

PayPal payment link

Gourmet braids or mummies Lukas
Gourmet braids or mummies Lukas


AS-A-BURGER MINI-10 - copy
plantain bite in the heart of Fourme d'Ambert and Gariguette hat pepper Penja
plantain bite in the heart of Fourme d'Ambert and Gariguette hat pepper Penja







Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)
Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)

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Tel (0033)0609033758

Nathalie Brigaud Oum

For gourmet flights

I hope you…

Upcoming workshops (Register by email

Waste-free cooking and pastry

Aperitif with African flavors

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The art of sauces

Vegetable cooking and pastry

Fonio in all its forms (Creative variations around…) Gluten free

The plantain in all its forms (Creative variations around…) Gluten free

Le Gari in all its forms (Creative variations around…) Gluten free

Starchy Pizza

Introduction to African gluten-free flours in bakeries

And you, what is your Proust madeleine?


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