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Duo de madeleines de manioc, Fourme d'Ambert, and many good things…



Screenshot 2019-10-15 at 14.44.14


Hello all, that you've joined the universe Wings Gourmet…

– Corinne

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Thank you again you please talk about the blog around you. If you make a recipe, especially me send for sharing and enhancement here



I share with you, the recipe created, produced and shared during the week of taste 14 October 2019.


“Taste Week ! Sharing since 1990 ...

The Goût® Week is the reference event for transmission and taste education for the greatest number. It encourages meetings between professionals of the earth to the plate with the general public and target audiences (from kindergarten to higher education). Throughout France it promotes the culture of culinary heritage and eat well. Since 1990, Goût® the Week enables professional taste to organize actions around food and the importance of choosing the products we eat. Restaurateurs, farmers, tradespeople, health organizations, Local authorities participating in the program by registering their businesses with tastings, workshops, meetings around taste !”

More here The week of taste






Duo de madeleines de manioc, Fourme d'Ambert, sardine, white pepper from Cameroon IGP (protected indication of origin), aromatic herbs and tomato sauce . Rain moringa

Cassava contains complex carbohydrates that are slowly digested and disseminate sustainable energy after eating. It is a food that diabetics can consume therefore without too disturbing their equilibrium. (word of nutritionist. My imprecise cooking page


– For 1 hundred madeleines / 2 by people

– Preparation time : 20 minutes (Repos 10 min freezer)

– Cooking time : 10 to 15 minutes (depending ovens)

– Easy




– 600 g cassava flour

– 400 g Fourme Ambert

– 6 Oil sardine cans

– 18 eggs

– 35 cl vegetable oil

– 30 g baking powder

– 40 g of granulated garlic

- From sea salt

- From the white pepper Penja Cameroon IGP

- Aromatic herbs (basil, thyme, chives or spring onions)

Tomato sauce

– 70 cl tomato coulis

– 10 cl vegetable oil

– 10 g of granulated garlic

- From sea salt

- Aromatic herbs at your convenience


Realization of the recipe
1- Beat the eggs with salt and pepper. Add cassava flour, the garlic semolina, yeast and mix until there are no lumps

2- Put oil, herbs incorporate the cheese cut into small pieces, end with sardines. Mix well, adjust seasoning and let the dough rest 10 min in the freezer or 30 minutes in the fridge. Fill the molds ¾ and bake between 8 and 15 minutes at 190 ° C depending on the devices
Tomato sauce

1- In a skillet, mix all the ingredients and leave uncovered, reduce to medium heat (pendant 10 about) stirring from time to time. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.


Enjoy your meal !


Tips / Advice / variants / information

* Perfume as you wish : organic citrus zest, I just love it !!! (citron, mandarine, orange …) other spices ( ginger, herbs … )

* You can not salt the dough. Fourme d & rsquo; Ambert is already saltiness of cheese

* J & rsquo; uses oil sardine. you can achieve your madeleines with & rsquo; sardine oil , about 20g, 2cl per box. So 120 g, 12 cl & rsquo; sardine oil for 6 used + 240 g, 24 cl & rsquo; vegetable oil of your choice.






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The lyrical and delicious collection (Price of the Paris Fair 2019) is still on sale

- To Paris and its region At BMK Paris Bamako , 14 street loyalty 75010 (East Metro Station)

- For Senegal at

- For Gabon at

- To send a message to Cameroon or

#Delivery worldwide. Let me your order and contact information


Thank you

#Want a dedication? Let's meet in Paris

#To make an appointment,

See you soon…




Nathalie Brigaud Oum

Author of My imprecise kitchen. /Home chef / Creations revenue and content / Workshops cooking and writing for businesses and individuals

Culinary Consulting / Education / Business, restaurateurs, educational institutions, special?

In France or elsewhere in the world ?


I hope you ...






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