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ripe papaya jam with ginger

ripe papaya jam with ginger


Almost like there

ripe papaya jam with ginger

For 8 to 16 people

Preparation time : 20 minutes + 8 hours

Cooking time : 30 minutes


What you need

-1 papaya about 630 g

– 300 g caster sugar

– 1 lime (juice and zest)

– 1 piece of ginger 20g


For the equivalent of about 2 190g jars each

Tips / advice / variations of this recipe are extremely important.

A must read. See below *

Thank you

This jam makes you travel and you exchange, at least for this year, des confits de figues et d’oignons toujours excellents, il va s’en dire 🙂, to accompany your foie gras.

Preparation of the recipe

Wash the fruit and wipe with a clean cloth

– Cut in two equal parts in the papaya lengthwise

- Remove with a teaspoon, seeds and slightly gelatinous filaments surrounding (mucilage) and also lining the heart of the fruit

– Cut the papaya diced

– Put in a bowl, papaya pieces, sugar, juice and lemon zest, and the finely sliced ​​ginger. Mix well and cover with a transparent film.

– Soak it all for at least 8 hours (For my part, it was from 0h at 8am)*


ripe papaya jam with ginger


– Blend the mixture

-Bring to boil on high heat for 5 minutes and then on medium heat 25 minutes, stirring regularly *. The starting juice becomes thick, golden, almost translucent

ripe papaya jam with ginger


ripe papaya jam with ginger


ripe papaya jam with ginger


– Put the still hot jam into jars previously sterilized *

ripe papaya jam with ginger


ripe papaya jam with ginger


ripe papaya jam with ginger


Tips / advice / variants

* Maceration why ?

– For the fruit soaks up the flavors, tastes and flavors. Right here, juice and lemon zest, ginger

* Stir regularly why ?

– To prevent fruit and sugar attach to the bottom of the pan

– Be careful not to burn yourself. Indeed, who cooked jam to a rolling boil, même à feu moyen fait des sauts assez spectaculaires 🙂 !!! I put a lid, without completely closing the pan (view the photo) that every time I had finished stirring the mixture

* Sterilizing jars why ?

– To avoid health risks such as botulism

« Botulism is a serious neurological disease caused by a highly potent toxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. It develops especially in poorly preserved foods, and general illness caused by food poisoning. If botulism is rare, its mortality remains high when treatment is not immediate. "More information on http://www.pasteur.fr/fr/institut-pasteur/presse/fiches-info/botulisme

* Sterilizing jars how ?

– Boil in a large water jars and lids for at least 10 minutes after the first boil (I left 15 minutes after the first boil)

– Out carefully pots and lid and gently dry them on a clean towel (I cleaned the jars with another clean cloth qu''il because there was a limestone deposit thereon. J’espère que ce n’est pas une hérésie culinaire 🙂 !!!

– Once the pots filled with still warm jam, put the lid and seal

– Return the pots until the jam cools, this allows to empty,

to avoid that air enters the jars

* You can use ginger powder, 1 or 2 teaspoons depending on whether you want a more or less fragrant jam. You can do without one if you do not like the taste (yes people like these exist :-)J !!!) or replace it with cinnamon.

Treat yourself, feast your families, friends and keep us informed of your culinary flights of fancy and taste of your travels ...

ripe papaya jam with ginger





  • Dominique

    Excellente recette facile à réaliser.
    Le résultat est savoureux. C’est un vrai bonheur avec des toasts pour le thé.
    Une confiture à teneur en sucre réduite. J’ai mis de la panela (premier séchage du jus de canne à sucre) for 1/3 sugar.
    C’est très doux.
    Merci pour ce partage.

  • Del's cooking twist

    Un grand merci pour ton commentaire sur le blog concernant l’article sur les clés d’un blog réussi. Je t’y ai répondu (voir sur mon blog) et me voici désormais par ici à découvrir ton blog de plus près… j’y suis déjà passée il y a quelques jours. Bravo pour une très très belle entreprise, un bel aboutissement et tu peux être fier de toi et de ton entourage dont le soutien est des plus précieux! Mon coup de coeur va à cette recette, qui me rappelle la confiture de papaye testée à Cuba il y a exactement deux ans et dont j’étais folle. L’association avec le gingembre ici me plaît beaucoup. Il faut absolument que je trouve une occasion pour tester! 🙂

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath

      Of the,

      How do you manage to juggle multiple projects in several different countries, keep at arm 2 blogs (English and French) and have time to make items excavated on what it takes to succeed his blog ?

      I love the "How to transform his passion for culinary blog in real career ? »
      "As you can see at this moment Article, may orient his passion for culinary blogging as a full professional activity can be done in very different ways without necessarily relate only to the blogging activity, which remains certainly exciting but it's hard to live decently. Far be it from me to discourage you, however,, but instead I invite you to explore different tracks which are connected to or indirectly to the sphere of culinary blogging, depending on your tastes and your existing skills. »

      What a coincidence ! I fully agree with you. I had absolutely understood intuitively there some time, and am trying to put it into practice, without having theorized like you. I have less 3 months in the blogosphere, I'm not a pro like you ah ! ah ! mais j’y travaille 🙂
      Indeed, my culinary creations skills, marketing, training and writing give me the strength and legitimacy of setting up a project, Although a bit heavy at the beginning, mais combien passionnant dont je te parlerai en d’autres temps et d’autres lieux 🙂
      It will be a parent activity of the blog, but separate therefrom.
      I add just that sometimes we may need to improve certain aspects of the project through training, certifications and it is essential to be well supported and well advised.

      Ps1 : In the "Pte's strides tasty" My Blog, under "Sites to visit", you will have your place for a few days ...
      Ps2 : Once you have tested the jam, sharing with us your culinary flights
      Ps3 : My country is very far from Cuba, but it is also a country of the tropics. It is called Africa in miniature, it is full of good things, as papayas and other delights that I try to sublimate my way and touches on the blog.

  • Louis Andre

    When will the marketing of these delights. I have not stopped reading your drool papaya jam recipe, I love fruit.
    I'll put it into practice this month to accompany foie gras at the birthday dinner of Mr CLA. I will give you news.
    Happy New Year 2016. Health , Love and imagination.
    Big kisses

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      Keep us informed of your achievement on the anniversary of Mr. CLA whom I already want a nice party !!!
      Thank you for your good wishes for the year 2016 et je vais essayer de ne pas te décevoir pour ce qui est de faire preuve d’imagination et d’inventivité 🙂
      When the marketing of products, step by step, the bird makes its nest , n & rsquo; do-not?
      Ps: You can register for the mailing list to quickly receive news blog

  • Porquier

    For nearly 15 years….I get to this time …..the guest. ….a geologist. ….a botanist. ..
    A nose end….a sense of smell. …flawless recognition of scents…mixtures. ….and critical without thank you….
    Just to tell you Nathalie. …if this jam was already sold. ….c is a card that I would be picked.
    Among several brands of jam served….he was found to hold a certain freshness. ..some softness …a subtle mix….an explosion of flavor…..surprising. ….
    And to a certain atmosphere of great reunion. ….c was simply exquisite. …… Bravo ! !!

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      You sent me a message yesterday morning already meant me your German in-laws had loved the jam that I have offered.

      Ce message est pour eux 🙂

      Thank you from my heart. You will be the first to know if a commercial Gourmet Wings update its products. Yes maybe one day. I am humbled for all your compliments. thank you very much.

      I, with Envolées Gourmandes thank you wholeheartedly. They are used as first informiet, if its products sold. Yes maybe one day . I am touched by all your compliments.
      Thank you very much.

      Ps: Clarisse, I have not forgotten your previous comment. I answer in the day, ainsi qu’au mystérieux M.G 🙂

      Unwavering support, enthusiasm and unfailing comments and relevant suggestions like yours make our live blog for all.
      thanks again for everything.

  • Papa London

    Hello my dear Nathalie . Happy Holidays to you all before, and thank you for your recipes. Always a pleasure for the eyes .
    Just want to taste. I hope so ! One day. See you soon, good day and looks forward to other revenue for the year to date. Kisses

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath

      Papa London,

      Thank you for your wishes. I wish you also , and all those you dear, a Merry Christmas.
      As for the tasting you talk to each of your contributions on the blog, they will be up in a few months.
      I do not give you specific dates for the first meetings, but rest assured that you will be among the first to know.
      The appointment of gourmet Wings prepare well, friendly moments to mark the time of stroke in time with those who are loyal to the site.
      This is why I invite those who regularly visit the blog to subscribe to the mailing list, ainsi ils seront au courant des nouveautés 🙂

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