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My robot-free brioche with coconut milk and Tangzhong

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My robot-free brioche with coconut milk and Tangzhong


Laurent, le gérant de https://cookingcity.fr/, (Click on the photos to enlarge them My brioche without robot with coconut milk and Tangzhong Laurent), Click on the photos to enlarge them My brioche without robot with coconut milk and Tangzhong Laurent, Click on the photos to enlarge them My brioche without robot with coconut milk and Tangzhong Laurent 2019, si je connaissais le Tangzhong. « Nathalie, toi qui aime tant le pain et les brioches, renseigne-toi, ça va t’intéresser ».

Comme Laurent, vous vous êtes rendu.e.s compte que j’étais gaga de pâtes levées. Je fonds devant les farines de tous horizons. My kitchen imprecise, the poetry and greedy collection publié en 2019 et toujours en vente. 😉 en propose (avec et sans gluten).

Laurent est d’origine chinoise et connait bien le Japon. Il n’y a pas de hasard, Le Tangzhong est très lié à ces deux pays.

Me voilà donc, lancée dans la grande Toile en fin d’année dernière, pour me renseigner sur le Tangzhong (auquel je ne connaissais rien jusque- was).

I made a first recipe and shared photos without explanation at that time and with only one question. “And Tangzhong, in case?”.

I'll come back to you with more photos., a second recipe , and with as promised, an article , details, tips and humble of what I learned.

I thus acquired certainties, some farms, others more vacillating, and I still have some questions…

Embark with me on this tasty journey and let's make a delicious stopover in the lyrical and gourmet blog.


  • The Tangzhong comes from Asia
  • Some liken it to Hokkaido sandwich bread , without ever explaining if the bread comes from this city, if it is rather a particular flour , a specific milk or even the way of working the ingredients that gives its name to this sandwich bread
  • The Tangzhong would originate from Japan. The recipe was adopted by the Chinese and made famous by one of their compatriots, Yvonne Chen. She published a book titled The 65° Bread Doctor en 2007 and popularized a method known many years ago. I couldn't find a specific date
  • More than a method, Tangzhong is a very easy ingredient to make. Indeed, it is an addition of flour and water, whose starch becomes gelatinous when the mixture is brought to around 65°
  • It must be concocted for at least 2 hours and kept cool. The day before, it's better
  • You have to follow a relationship 1/5, between flour and liquids (water, milk or water and milk)
  • The Tangzhong can be adapted to many bakery and pastry recipes
  • The Tangzhong alone is not enough to obtain a nice stringy crumb if you do not respect the 2 rising and shaping the dough
  • Christine Ho, editor of the successful blog Christine's Recipes also helped to publicize the Tangzhong. are blog https://en.christinesrecipes.com/
  • You can get a nice fluffy effect without a thermometer. I do not have any. If like me, you lack it, as soon as you see the mixture thicken, take it off the heat, taking care not to boil it !
  • It is still called the water roux
  • The big difference with a classic brioche and a Tangzhong brioche lies in the preparation of a mixture of flour and water made the day before., ideally. For me, 3 hours before for the brioche shared in February and March on Instagram
  • To use it the same day, do not refrigerate the Tangzhong, because it works at room temperature
  • The Tangzhong is therefore a leaven. Definition of sourdough by Larouse.fr “Culture of selected microorganisms that are introduced into the products to be fermented (bread dough, brewery wort, etc.) to control fermentation.. A sourdough that we do not feed and to which we do not give a nice little name.
  • In conclusion, our international Tangzhong is both a technique, a method, an ingredient, a form of sourdough which makes it possible to obtain a more airy and stringy brioche. It is therefore a dough with a boosted gluten network which retains the water in the crumb and makes the brioche bread more flexible.. (Not only him by the way)


My questions

  • In which year this technique, this mixture has flourished ?
  • What a difference, similarities and unlikely encounters with the Age bread, and Kumba bread , manufactured in Nigeria and Cameroon respectively ? Answers Soon…


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Make way for the recipe

What you need

For Tangzhong

– 125 g of water

– 25 g T45 flour or 55 bio

– Which gives us approximately 145 g of mixture





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For the rest of the brioche

– 340 g T45 flour or 55 bio

– 100 g coconut milk or lukewarm water

– 40 g brown sugar (sugar)

– 30 g of soft butter or oil

– 9 g dry baker's yeast

– 1 egg

– 1/2 tsp salt

– 1 pinch of ginger (optional)


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Realization of revenues

And Tangzhong

To prepare 2 Days before, the day before or at least 2 hours upstream

– In a small saucepan, on medium heat, put 25 g flour and 125 g of water, stirring constantly

– The mixture will thicken and become gelatinous, a bit like a béchamel, heavy porridge or custard. I don’t have a thermometer myself !

– As soon as the mixture thickens, quickly remove it from the heat, taking care not to boil it !

– Film on contact if possible. Leave to cool and keep cool overnight. I, I kept it two nights. It would keep even a few more days. To test.






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– In a salad bowl, put the yeast, milk, previously heated, and the sugar mix well with a spatula.

– Add flour, salt, le Tangzhong, and 3/4 egg (the rest, with a little water, will be used for gilding), then knead with a spatula for 5 minutes

– Finally, incorporate oil or melted butter, then again by hand or with a spatula 5 minutes

– Oil, butter a cake tin and set aside

– Cover and let rise for a 1 hour and a half sheltered from drafts

– After this time of rest, degas the dough. I do it with my fist, 3 blows and it's good.

– Then cut the dough into 4 equal parts

– On a floured work surface, with his rolling pin, lower (spread out) in length, fold in three (3 couches, more 2 flaps. The same principle as a puff pastry). Rotate the dough a quarter turn to the left, lower (flatten) each part in an oval shape, approximately the length of your mold. Fold back again (lengthways) wrap both sides then roll the dough like a snail. You gotta try to keep it tight : your strip should not be in width, bigger than your mold (A little demo on Instagram, titre, bakery)

– Place the first pudding in the reserved mold. Proceed in the same way with the other three

– Let grow again (inflate, ascend) pendant 45 minutes 1 hour


Second lift
– Glaze the brioche with the rest of the beaten egg and bake for about 30 to 40 minutes in a preheated oven at 170°C (convection)

– Turn out onto a wire rack and let cool completely before serving.

– Coconut milk gives it a very pleasant fragrant taste… you can tell me about it !!!!



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Tips / Advice / Variants

*Degas the brioche dough why ?

To homogenize the cells in yeast doughs. The carbon dioxide produced by the yeast and accumulated during the rise is expelled so that the crumb is more regular

*To prevent the brioche from browning too quickly, protect it with parchment paper

* You can use oatmeal flour, higher in gluten

*You can also steam it for an even thinner crust.. Which will not crack since the heat is less strong than for a classic bread. See this article : https://www.envoleesgourmandes.com/2020/04/mes-12-astuces-pour-reussir-votre-pain-maison-a-tous-les-coups/ N° 8






Some reading






Nathalie Brigaud Oum

Author the My kitchen imprecise. To buy it,

- Click https://envoleesgourmandes.wixsite.com/envoleesgourmandes/livre



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