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My Chicken Foniotto with Suya Spices from ZESOK brand

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Dear All, Dear All,


Risotto is the reduction of a rice broth cooked with various ingredients. It is usually given as its origin in northern Italy.

I interpret here, my way (I have several recipes with different toppings, salty and sweet), this Italian specialty much appreciated in the world.

I present my Chicken Foniotto with Suya spices from ZESOK. Find out more about my partnership with this small business and its products, no additives, sans glutamate, without preservatives, vegetable and gluten-free, click https://www.envoleesgourmandes.com/2018/08/poulet-au-pied-leve-cuisses-de-poulet-zesok-au-four/ You can also order here and benefit from a discount of 15% with the code SENT, excluding transport.


To order, http://www.zesok.com)



Like Italian risotto, the secret of foniotto is in the choice of fonio (without sand) and broth used for cooking.











By the way, do you know fonio ?

If the answer is no, catch up quickly !

« Fonio. male name. Cereal with short vegetative cycle, cultivated in the Sahel, which gives a very small grain, used for the preparation of couscous or porridge. Cereal with short vegetative cycle, cultivated in the Sahel … »This is the definition of Larousse.fr. You will agree with me, fonio is more than that. Read more. ..


"Fonio is considered the oldest cereal in West Africa. In the cosmogony of the Dogon people, in Mali, the fonio seed, called, constitutes the "germ of the world". In opposition to the acacia which symbolizes the primitive nature, fonio represents agriculture. All cultivated plants are in germ in the fonio seed. »


Fonio is therefore an African cereal, cultivated in the Sahel, to the borders of Lake Chad ** It has been reported to me that it is also cultivated in the North of Cameroon my country of origin which is part of 4 countries bordering Lake Chad with Nigeria, Niger and of course Chad.

To dig.

I searched and found these documents:


Its most emblematic ambassador is Pierre Thiam the famous Senegalese Chef with his brand Yolélé Foods. Find out more about this tireless defender and promoter of African cuisine, and especially from West Africa and Senegal, click here


I fell in love with this cereal ago 4 approximately years thanks to Aissatou Mbaye who talks about it with passion in her blog aistoucuisine. africuizine, another who has a weakness for fonio also offers several recipes in her blog.


Many studies these 20 recent years are on the way to placing fonio in the pantheon of cereals because of its many nutritive benefits (gluten free, digest, rich in calcium, magnesium, zinc and manganese. Amino acids, methionine and cystine, particularly, essential to our health but which our body cannot synthesize. Thanks to its insulin-secreting elements, Fonio is recommended for people with diabetes. (See in the section "a little reading")


Indeed, the mechanization of several painful stages of its transformation makes it possible to better value it locally and to export it to the rest of the world.



Where to find fonio to redo the recipe ?



In all tropical grocery stores, dont bag, in BMK Paris Bamako in some organic stores too. You can also order it at https://www.ibemifood.com/, in https://www.racines-shop.com/racines-bio-c102x3791972, or at http://yolelefoods.com/buy-now/




here are my 5 tips for a successful homemade foniotto (here, the dirty) and taste it smooth, almost silky, even gastronomic, with few ingredients and inexpensively. I invite you to try it and enjoy !




1/How to choose your fonio


2/Make the broth keep it warm or reheat the broth
3 /Brown the onion in oil or butter


4/Pour the fonio in rain, and stir. It's called pearl (see below) fonio as we pearl rice. It becomes a little translucent.


5/Add a nice ladle of broth, stir and cook over medium heat until absorbed. Then repeat this operation until you have used all the broth
6/ Correct the seasoning and check the cooking of the fonio which takes 25 to 30 minutes


7/Add parmesan, another cheese or vegetable margarine or white peanut butter (vegan version) to accentuate the bond and have a creamy foniotto


8/ Serve warm






My Chicken Foniotto with Suya spices from Zésok, (garden radish tops and flowers

For the chicken

Preparation : 5 minutes

Cooking 15/20 mins + 10 minutes au grill



- In a casserole dish, make come back 4 chicken thighs with back, previously washed and well salted for 3 mn environ

You'll find it here 750 g of water (75 cl)

– Cover and simmer uncovered for about 15 to 20 mn

– Collect the broth (600 g/60 cl. It must have taste) and book it

- When the chicken is slightly cooled, make cuts and penetrate the incisions, a mixture of 1 teaspoon semolina garlic (powdered or mashed), 2 tablespoon oil ((peanut, colza, sunflower…), and a big tablespoon of Suya mix from Zesok (it's a dry mix of peanuts, the pepper, ginger, pepper, onion, cayenne pepper, salt and garlic)

- In a preheated oven in grill mode at 240 °, 5 min on each side, brown the chicken well in a baking dish.






The Foniotto

Preparation : 5 minutes

Baking : 30 minutes

- Chop a yellow onion
- In a casserole dish, sweat it with a drizzle of olive oil

- Then add 100 g of fonio and pearl it * (it must be a little translucent)

- Then pour the broth (the (600g /60 cl ) that you had kept warm) in small quantities until the fonio is cooked (between 20 and 25 min)





- Adjust the seasoning if necessary

- Once the cooking is finished, add cheese. For me here, 35 g Comté quickly cut into small pieces

- It's ready and very good !!!


You tell me the news !




Tips / advice / variants / Information

* In your baking dish, you will have a juice that you can add to your foniotto for even more character

* For dressage, I used the radish from the garden (racine, fanes (leaves ), flowers and beautiful pan-seared cherry tomatoes with fleur de sel

*Pearl rice. It's exactly on the same principle as for cooking risotto and pilaf rice. Indeed, unwashed rice is slowly browned in fat without coloring (for example, melted butter or olive oil). The starch in rice changes, and the latter thus acquires a shade close to mother-of-pearl. (By analogy). This operation, which allows the rice not to stick, I saved it for fonio.
*Nacre : mlimestone (mixture of conchyoline and calcium carbonate), blanche, tough, with iridescent reflections, secreted by certain molluscs and coating the inside of their shell, formed of parallel overlapping lamellae, used in jewelry, in tabletting and marquetry.


Some reading






Mountain farmers from Dahomey and Cameroon. The real black peasants


“5 AUGUST 2010

Between exoticism and imitation of other people's bad practices, it is to believe that Africans do not know how to love what they do best. And what they produce beautiful and good. Balanced in terms of gastronomy in the food of others, African women have stored in the bottom of their kitchen or in old hangars, everything that used to do in time, the charm of their culinary recipe or the beauty of their farming system.

Among these products which have disappeared or are about to disappear, the font. A hardy plant consumed in the West African sub-region of Senegal in Chad, but the children of Africa almost never met on a lunch bowl. A real disaster if you can put it that way.”


Nathalie Brigaud Oum

Author the My kitchen imprecise. To buy it,

- Click https://envoleesgourmandes.wixsite.com/envoleesgourmandes/livre



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