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Plantain canoes / pizzas

Hello and welcome to all new subscribers.

welcome home, home.


Feel free to send me pictures of your achievements, to leave comments on the blog, to ask me questions and of course your loved Subscribe here to receive, recettes, photos, tips, surprises and keep you abreast of our news. At the end of the article, I tell you how to buy my Imprécis as well as the details of my services.






Dear All, Dear All,


I asked you (on Instagram) to give me names of products so that I can offer you recipes.


Thank you for your many feedback.


I love this exercise which reminds me of my workshops without a net. Indeed, I arrive at your place and we make an entrance together, a main course and a dessert with what you have in your cupboards, your refrigerator and/or your fruit basket. Do not hesitate to contact me if you are interested..


What I like in the kitchen, these are our 5 awakened senses, plus 2 other faculties on which I rely, intuition and creativity/inventiveness, without forgetting to pay homage to both cultural and gastronomic traditions.

I do not forget our different memories which anchor us in one or more identities and which also allow us to plan or dream the future.. I will add to my journey the love and closeness of a mother who cooked as she breathed, my passion for the beautiful products of Cameroon and all those I have known so far, my curiosity, mon imagination, my daydreams, my trips, mes lectures, the kitchens, the cookers, bloggers who inspire me.

We will have fun. Indeed, there are recipes that I have concocted and shared on the networks without ever having put the details in my blog.

There are also products that I have never worked on, like sardinella pâté, cowpea flour. Other delicacies that we consume relatively little at home, like cauliflower. I realize. Why ? I wonder. It offers so many possibilities. Enough chatter and let's move on to your sharing and my recipes.




Your feedback

  • The plantain differently
  • Chicken in an original way
  • Balanced menus to submit to you
  • Suggestions for Ramadan
  • The fruits (mango, strawberries, watermelon, kiwi, pineapple, passion fruit, melon, papaya…)
  • Salads
  • Cauliflower
  • the tomato
  • the foufou
  • okra
  • other vegetables
  • The bread
  • Tubers you don't know
  • Traditional dishes
  • Spices
  • cassava
  • African semolina
  • Fish
  • Make way for recipes
  • Beans (rouge, blanc, noir)
  • Seafood
  • And moringa
  • Gluten-free flours
  • Balanced containment meals with tin cans…
  • Le Ndolè
  • The pancakes
  • The font
  • Le dressage de repas simples de manière gastronomique
  • La farine de niébé
  • Le pâté de sardinelle


Nous commençons par des pirogues/pizzas de bananes plantains qui rassemblent en une seule recette, plusieurs de vos réponses (la banane plantain autrement, des propositions pour le Ramadan, des salades, spices, de la tomate, le dressage de repas simples de manière gastronomique, des repas de confinement équilibrés avec des boîtes de conserve…)


Cette recette est publiée depuis début avril 2017 sur ma chaîne YouTube ENVOLÉES GOURMANDES (abonnez-vous 😉 )





Plantain canoes / pizzas



Preparation : 15 minutes

Baking : 11 minutes 240 degrés Celsius +5 minutes au grill à 240°






What you need

– Des bananes plantains mûres et assez fermes

– Ce qui vous fait plaisir (meat, poisson, vegetables, cheeses, épices…)

- From sea salt

– Pepper of your choice






Realization of the recipe

– Wash the plantains, cut off the ends

– Divide them into 2 in length

– Cut their flesh into braces without damaging their skins

– Bake at 250 degrees during 10 minutes (On the video, my very old oven was not up to standard. I now have a brand new one !)

– Take the canoes/pizzas out of the oven. Garnish them as you wish, salt, spice, add a little oil if necessary

– Cut their flesh into braces without damaging their skins

– Bake again for approx. 4 to 5 minutes in grill function at 240 degrees









Enjoy your meal !

Tips / advice / variants / Information

*To be enjoyed as an aperitif, starter and main course. This recipe is also ideal for a light and original dinner.. With a small salad of your choice. (This evening, for me, on the menu it was canoes / pizzas with sardines, tomato. From the garden red cabbage, nasturtium leaves and flowers. See Instagram and Facebook) You can play with scented oils and aromatic herbs.

*You can also make desserts with it. I dream of salted butter caramel, hibiscus flower jelly, foléré or bissap, a superb vanilla ice cream etc.…




Nathalie Brigaud Oum

Author the My kitchen imprecise. To buy it,

- Click https://envoleesgourmandes.wixsite.com/envoleesgourmandes/livre



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My services


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culinary consultation


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I hope you





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