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Vegetable verrine of applesauce, missole and moringa

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Dear All, Dear All,


So you have concocted the missolè cake or a variant, see the recipe here

You can keep it 1 fortnight in your refrigerator. It becomes more compact, but is still as pleasant to taste. Since “Nothing is lost, and everything changes”, I tell you how to make tasty verrines, healthy, balanced and pretty, so pretty with yesterday's cake



Healthy and delicious vegetable verrine
Healthy and delicious vegetable verrine



Vegetable verrine of applesauce, missole and moringa


Before making our recipe, a few words about the apple, plantain and moringa. This recipe is also perfect for Muslims who contact me for meal ideas.


It's healthy colorful, gourmand, delicious and filling !

A concentrate of good things…


The apple source of health benefits.

The virtues of this crunchy fruit, to eat raw or cooked, are the following :

  • Rehydrating ;
  • Antioxidant ;
  • Energetic ;
  • LDL reducer (bad cholesterol) ;
  • Regulating intestinal transit. (See below)

The apple also has a cutting effect- hunger thanks to the presence of pectins (…). Combined with water, these pectins are found in our intestines to capture fat and slow our hunger. ( Read the entire article below)



Rich in vitamins A, C, as well as minerals (potassium, zinc, magnesium, do, phosphorus, copper), The plantain she, has a strong satiating capacity thanks to the starch and complex carbohydrates with which it is provided.


And moringa

And Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is widespread in subtropical countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and India. Many recognize its virtues in medicine, in nutrition and cosmetics. I put you links for an in-depth reading on moringa and plantain.

“Moringa leaves will help deficient or tired people regain significant energy that could rival that provided by slow sugars.

At equal weight, fresh moringa leaves contain twice as much protein as yogurt, 4 times more vitamin A than carrots, 3 times more potassium than bananas, 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 4 times more calcium than milk. What else ? As much magnesium as dark chocolate ! Often compared to spirulina, moringa contains less protein than other powder “miraculous” (25 g all the same for 100 g), but more calcium. » For all content, see the link below.



Healthy and delicious vegetable verrine
Healthy and delicious vegetable verrine




Healthy and delicious vegetable verrine

Applesauce, missole and moringa


Preparation : 5 minutes

Without cooking (unless a homemade compote and even a homemade one is often prepared several days before)


What you need

(With a whole cake you can make between 20 and 25 nearly)


For a verrine

50 approximately g of well-compacted cake or place it 10 to 15 mn in the freezer

Cut into brunoise *


Make a homemade applesauce or take the store-bought one



Healthy and delicious vegetable verrine
Healthy and delicious vegetable verrine



Homemade compote

- Doing, peel the apples bio (1k for me, I keep some with their skin **), take away the heart, cut them into small pieces

- Place the pieces in a saucepan with a little water and sugar at your convenience over medium heat, watching the cooking carefully for 25 mn

- Perfume with cinnamon, vanilla, or lemon zest, again 5 mn and it's good

- For this compote, no added sugar for me and I mixed it well (hand blender) because Lukas, that some know, don't like pieces in compotes

- After Lukas uses himself, I added ginger syrup offered by Anne-Catherine Senghor Dior, from La Source au Manatees to Djilor in Senegal. This syrup, like other products elsewhere, is the result of the work of a women's cooperative, A Saffa de Djilor.

Assembly of the glass

It depends on the height and circumference of your container

For my part, 2 tablespoon 1/2 applesauce, la brunoise de gâteau et enfin de la poudre de moringa pour parachever le travail !

L’essentiel c’est que votre présentation soit harmonieuse 🙂

Treat yourself !!!


J’aime ma verrine bien fraîche, et vous?



Healthy and delicious vegetable verrine
Healthy and delicious vegetable verrine

Tips / advice / variants / Information

*Une brunoise est une garniture souvent de légumes ou de fruits coupés en petits dés d’environ 1-2 mm de côté. (petits morceaux)

Some reading









** “En théorie oui, car la peau concentre de quatre à six fois plus de polyphénols antioxydants et de vitamins que la chair. It also contains anti-cancer substances, diabetes and antiobesite. Alas… with an average of 35 treatments (fungicides, insecticides, herbicides, growth regulators), the apple is the fruit that receives the most chemicals. It is therefore better to peel it or prefer organic apples. But these can also be accidentally contaminated by water or air..

Baking soda to the rescue

In 2017, the Department of Nutritional Chemistry at the University of Massachusetts has found the solution to this problem. Des tests en laboratoire ont montré que l’on pouvait éliminer la quasitotalité des pesticides de la peau des pommes en les laissant tremper un quart d’heure dans de l’eau additionnée de 1 % from bicarbonate de soude.”

Peut-on manger la peau des pommes ?


Nathalie Brigaud Oum

Author the My kitchen imprecise. To buy it,

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I hope you





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