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the softest vegetable cake in the world (Missolè cake, plantains and its moringa garnish)

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Right here, I am proud to work with the plantain banana which is one of the staples of the diet in several regions of the world, including my native Cameroon and which I have been trying to sublimate for a long time, encore et encore, with original and tasty recipes. Here is one of those treats., the softest vegetable cake in the world (Missolè cake, plantains, and his moringa set)

A few words about moringa and plantain, sublime products (super foods / superfoods some would say, as good for food as for our health).




Further down in the article, you will have the completeness of the publications consulted


And moringa

And Moringa (Moringa oleifera) is widespread in subtropical countries, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa and India. Many recognize its virtues in medicine, in nutrition and cosmetics. I put you links for an in-depth reading on moringa and plantain.

“Moringa leaves will help deficient or tired people regain significant energy that could rival that provided by slow sugars.

Moringa leaves also have antitumor properties, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial but they would also have neuroprotective properties aimed at improving brain function, at the level of memory and cognitive functions in the case of Alzheimer's disease. (…) » (see below).

“This nutritional treasure has not escaped the attention of NGOs fighting against malnutrition, “Action against Hunger, the Red Cross, l’UNICEF, all know and have integrated moringa into their programs“, says Armelle de Saint Sauveur.

Because, it is extremely rich in minerals (calcium, potassium, do, magnesium), in vitamins A, C, E in very good quality protein (containing the 9 essential amino acids), antioxidants “Its main asset is its very broad and well-balanced nutritional spectrum., illuminates Armelle de Saint Sauveur. (agronomist, to read) Moringa contains everything we need which is quite rare for a plant, apart from vitamin B12.

” At equal weight, fresh moringa leaves contain twice as much protein as yogurt, 4 times more vitamin A than carrots, 3 times more potassium than bananas, 7 times more vitamin C than oranges, 4 times more calcium than milk. What else ? As much magnesium as dark chocolate ! Often compared to spirulina, moringa contains less protein than other powder “miraculous” (25 g all the same for 100 g), but more calcium. » For all content, see the link below. There are lines and lines on the Internet extolling the benefits of this shrub, also called the tree of life..




The plantain banana is mainly produced in Africa, in South America and Asia (Malaysia, Indonesia). Rich in vitamins A, C, as well as minerals (potassium, zinc, magnesium, do, phosphorus, copper), it has a strong satiating capacity thanks to the starch and complex carbohydrates it contains.

It has spread on the plates of several countries around the world, especially in its ripe and sweet form, so that some believe that it is only eaten this way and especially in frying..

I have even seen very serious and well-turned articles in which it is written "The plantain banana is eaten when ripe, when his skin turns yellow or brown”

In another, “In several traditional dishes, we serve the plantain fry (allokos, in Africa). ».

If I only take the example of Cameroon, frying is one cooking among others and depending on the region, not even the most popular. Green plantains like blackberries can be boiled, steamed, served grated, pounded, in stew , in soup, broths of all kinds, mashed, crazy, grilled over a wood fire, in the oven etc..







Called plantain in Cameroon, the green-skinned plantain is eaten in this country and elsewhere in the world, especially in South America. It is eaten very well and there are many recipes. I will offer you some of them in our blog.

Bon, we go astray. back to our cake, to this culinary innovation (with its variants) which serves as a base for several other delicacies and which I share with you because I am nice ;-).

Why I offer so many plant-based pastries,? Quite simply because it has been a few years since working with the products with which I grew up, I found that some of them , like plantain, advantageously replace eggs and/or butter in both sweet and savory preparations.

I cheerfully sprinkled our magnificent cake with moringa. Which isn't so bad, in view of its virtues, in these times of confinement and covid19 of which we do not know any vaccine, nor even less a drug that is unanimous !

This cake has a wonderful texture., a real treat on the palate and the pecans ( or others , see the recipe) give it a crunch that does not leave you indifferent !

L’ aroma of white Penja pepper, une Igp ( Yes, I like spices) and the instantly recognizable scent of ginger, end up making you addicted to this delicacy.

It is not expensive, requires few ingredients ( very ripe plantains, cassava, (or others) oil, a little yeast , spices, chocolate) is quick to make and it is also an anti-waste recipe.


The softest vegetable cake in the world (Missolè cake, and his moringa set)

Sugar free, without butter, without eggs


Preparation : 15 minutes

Baking : 35 minutes

What you need

– 3 extremely ripe plantains, black skinned (ones that you wouldn't buy or that many would put in the trash. ;-)). You need at 500 g skinless plantain flesh





– 200 g of dark chocolate for me (otherwise at your convenience)

– 155 g sifted cassava flour (or other flours with African flavors)

– 100 g neutral oil (sunflower, colza, peanut, cotton)

– 6 g baking powder

– 1 tbsp moringa

– 1 handful of pecans (or nuts, Hazelnut, roasted peanuts, almonds...)

– 2 pinches of white Penja Igp pepper from Cameroon or another spice of your choice

– A little powdered ginger (1/2 a teaspoon or more)



Realization of the recipe

– Melt the chocolate in the microwave or in the bath- marie, let it cool

- In a salad bowl, mash the plantain with a fork or potato masher

– Work with a fork, stirring vigorously for 2 to 5 mn until the mixture whitens a little

– Pour the melted chocolate into the bowl with the plantain






- Add the cassava flour, the yeast, pepper and ginger. beat the device by ventilating as much as possible

– At the bottom of the previously oiled mold, put the pecan nuts and pour the homogeneous batter. bake 35 min at 210°, fan-assisted.





– Test for doneness with the tip of a knife. It should come out clean






– Leave to cool then unmold on a wire rack.

– This cake keeps very well for several days, well packed






Tips / advice / variants / Information

* You can make a citrus sauce (mandarine, orange, citron, pomelo … and pour it over the cake ( The soul Sisters – Facebook direct/ live du 05 avril 2020)

Some reading













Nathalie Brigaud Oum

Author the My kitchen imprecise. To buy it,

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