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Donuts and Beans. Proposition 1 (Lean haricots)

Donuts and Beans. Express Proposition1 (Lean haricots)

Street kitchens (returned in abundance in the houses) in Africa are perennial. Those of Cameroon are in line with these abundant and succulent dishes which have made it possible to raise entire families because a mother ( more rarely, a Pope), held its end of the sidewalk for years to feed passers-by and subscriber families.

My paternal grandmother (Mother Sombo), sold most of his life, which was long, by BHB (Donuts-Beans-Porridge), in a kind of hut with benches and tables for the greatest pleasure of its customers.

I offer you a recipe which is therefore in the DNA of Cameroon. BHB Bean fritters, here, without the B of porridge (corn often).

We have an immoderate love for beans in Cameroon. Let it be red like in this recipe, blanc, noir, spotted…I would like to know why !

Everyone loves this gourmet and winning combination. As much as donuts can be pretty immutable, as much the bean recipe varies according to the houses and even the people.

Indeed, i have myself 5 to 7 bean recipes, the most regular of which are completely vegetable, without dried shrimp, one of my seasoning broths of the moment glow giving an absolutely exquisite taste, plus (or not) an organic tomato coulis. .

This particular recipe is dedicated to @Learnby.yourself on Instagram.

Make way for recipes

Make way for recipes

Make way for recipes : 15 Make way for recipes : 45 Make way for recipes

What you need

– 500 Make way for recipes 55 (The 55 est plus simple à travailler).

– 400 g of warm water

– 100 g sugar

– 1 Make way for recipes

– 10 Make way for recipes

– Make way for recipes (Make way for recipes)

Realization of the recipe

– In a salad bowl, Make way for recipes.

– Make way for recipes. Make way for recipes

– Make way for recipes. (Make way for recipes)

– Make way for recipes 2 Make way for recipes, Make way for recipes. Make way for recipes.

– Make way for recipes, Make way for recipes

– Take and shape small portions of dough with your hand by passing them between your thumb and index finger, and squeeze your fingers to cut the desired amount

– Cook the dough for a few minutes so that the donuts are golden brown.

– Drain them and place them on absorbent paper.

– To taste hot, warm or cold

beignets, beans, flour, corn, street food, bh, frying, cameroon, africa, Africa, chef , auteur, author, authoress, formation, atelier, envoleesgourmandes, gourmet flights, my kitchen inaccuracy, nathalie brigaud ngoum

The bean

Preparation : 10 Make way for recipes : 35 Make way for recipes

Ce you need

– 1600 g canned beans, washed in a colander (2 large boxes)

– 3 large tablespoons of homemade seasoning broth, a choice, see here

– 2 big onions

– 2 tbsp organic garlic powder

– 1 tsp organic ginger powder

– 30 cl of water

– 200 cl of organic tomato coulis

– 5 vegetarian peppers (fragrant and non-spicy) or 2 hot peppers

– Neutral oil (peanut, colza, grape seeds, sunflower)

– Of sea salt

– 2 bay leaves and a sprig of thyme (for my part, garden costs)

– White Penja peppercorns

Realization of the recipe

– In a non-stick pan, to pay 2 tablespoon oil, coarsely chopped onions to brown for 2 minutes

– Put the bean, a nice pinch of salt and garlic powder. Sauté, stirring occasionally with a spatula, for about 7 mn or outright move the pot itself

– Add the homemade seasoning broth, the tomato coulis, ginger. let take 2 minutes. Add water, peppers and cook 15 minutes over high heat and covered. Stir 2 or 3 times, then finish with the leaves and bay leaf and thyme cook again 5 minutes. Sprinkle with ground pepper by yourself, adjust seasoning, s’il y a lieu, et c’est prêt.

Tips / advice / variants/informations*

*Le haricot est meilleur le lendemain, quand tous les éléments qui le composent s’éprennent les uns les autres 😉

* L’huile doit être bien chaude pour que la friture se fasse convenablement. Les beignets « ne boiront pas l’huile » et garderont la belle forme ronde que vous aurez réussi à leur donner

*Ces beignets sont à déguster seuls ou accompagnés de haricots, de bouillie, de viande de poisson, de sauce comme plat principal. Ils se marient aussi très bien avec de la confiture, de la pâte à tartiner etc au petit déjeuner, brunch, goûter ou dessert.

*Coat the donuts with all the delicacies you have or simply sprinkle them with lemon zest (dessert, taste)

*Gently stir the bean so as not to crush it

*I put my bouquet garni (thyme and bay leaf) at the end of cooking because I have them fresh in my garden and they are therefore very powerful in flavor. You can use the dry ones (softer) while adding water

* Bean and rice, more minced meat in sauce, the winning combo !

* I will also share with you a completely different recipe with soaked and boiled beans and all the others mentioned above.


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