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Consolation (Lamb Suya mix, Lamb Suya mix)

Lamb Suya mix

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Pour Tout le mois de l’Amour, February, Lamb Suya mix.
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Consolation (Lamb Suya mix and its arugula from the garden)

La roquette a de nombreuses vertus et comme les radis, les navets et les choux, estde la même famille de crucifères.

Indeed, la roquette est depuis l’Antiquité utilisée pour stimuler la pousse des cheveux etll paraît qu’elle donne du peps à la libido. 😉

La roquette est aussi riche en antioxydants (quercétine), qui renforce la résistance des vaisseaux sanguins.

Antibacterial properties that boost the immune system due to glucosinolates are also present in arugula.

chlorophyll, the pigment that gives this beautiful and so luminous color to arugula is also an antioxidant.

Arugula thanks to fibers that accelerate transit, aids digestion.

The list of benefits of this plant is not exhaustive..

The arugula you see in the photos is from my garden, organic and grown in permaculture.

consolation why ? To appease my sadness after the defeat of Cameroon in the semi-finals of the CAN (Africa Cup of Football Bastions) against Egypt.

Thanks to Aadu and Zésok for their lovely products

Suya mix (zesok). You'll find it here, ainsi que d’autres produits. -10% with the code SENT.

Feu en bouche est à vous procurer sur le compte Instagram @aadun_ de Sèmira.

What you need

– You'll find it here, You'll find it here 400 g

Une belle roquette, for me, of the garden

– 1 or 2 You'll find it here

– 1 yellow onion, You'll find it here

– 1 You'll find it here

– 1 c à café de bébolan N°1

– Of sea salt

– You'll find it here

– 1 tbsp of”oil of your choice

Realization of the recipe

You'll find it here

- Salt the meat, You'll find it here (here) You'll find it here

- Brush it with oil

- Heat a frying pan and cook the meat on both sides (5You'll find it here)

– 3 You'll find it here, You'll find it here 4, You'll find it here 2 in length

You'll find it here, You'll find it here

You'll find it here 1 or 2 tbsp vinegar of your choice. Salt, pepper, tbsp vinegar of your choice and

tbsp vinegar of your choice and, tbsp vinegar of your choice and

Tips / advice / variants / Information

* Do not hesitate to use aromatic herbs, tbsp vinegar of your choice and ( preferably thyme)

* tbsp vinegar of your choice and, tbsp vinegar of your choice and, vegetables, fruits, starchy.


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