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How to make a tasty homemade broth? N* 1


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Bouillon House No. 1
Bouillon House No. 1

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Bouillon House No. 1
Bouillon House No. 1




The spices, condiments such as spices come our dishes every day. And their taste has nothing to envy to their health benefits. respectively defines them as follows :


  • aromatic: fragrant substance & rsquo; plant.
  • Spice : Aromatic and vegetable substance used for seasoning dishes.
  • Condiment: Substance (cell) or preparation (mustard, pickles) added to cooked or raw foods to enhance flavor.

Those who know me know that I only use salt for my cooking. Yes, quality salt. And which contributes to give even more taste to my dishes, (some still doubted it until I cook in their presence) these are my homemade broths. Made from vegetables, aromatics or spices, either by serving me shrimp carcasses, of meat or poultry. I entrust you here a legacy, a secret from Mom, Emeritus stove if it were. Here I share one version of its “Ball”, seasoning, condiment, to which I give a slightly anise touch by adding parsnip.

For this first division, I offer a tasty homemade broth



How then to achieve it?????


Bouillon House No. 1
Bouillon House No. 1


What you need


– 3 medium onions

– 7 d & rsquo cloves garlic

– 3 large stalks celery, for me the garden (foliage and foot)

– 1 large leek

– Fresh ginger 10 or g 1 teaspoon ground ginger

– 1 green pepper

– 1 parsnip

– Of sea salt **

– Sunflower oil, + or -150 g** (or another oil of your choice)

– About 150 g of water


Bouillon House No. 1
Bouillon House No. 1








Realization of the recipe

– Clean the vegetables and roughly chop them

– Mix them finely with water

– Cook them with (150 g of sunflower oil and salt to your liking, during about 10 to 15 mn over medium heat, stirring occasionally


Bouillon House No. 1
Bouillon House No. 1








Tips / Advice / Variants

*You can double or even triple the quantities. Keep some in a glass container in your fridge for about 1 month and the rest in ice cube trays to use as bouillon cubes whenever you need them.

* All seasonal vegetables are good to use (hub, carrot, zucchini, pumpkin, pumpkin, aubergine, fennel…)

**Iodized salt, much better in health. Salt plays its role not only as a flavor enhancer, but also a preservative just like the oil and the cooking

Some reading

Do not hesitate to read this bestselling article on the aistou cuisine website




Nathalie Brigaud Oum

Author the My kitchen imprecise. To buy it,

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