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My caramelized character onions and their mango brunoise

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My caramelized character onions and their mango brunoise

My caramelized character onions and their mango brunoise

I offer you a nice creamy recipe, easy to do. The mango brunoise gives it an i- born- sais- what's even more delicious. Not bad with the burger (whose French national holiday took place on 13 October, the 28 may internationally). It also lends itself to other dishes.

What you need

– 2 big onions (for me a Roscoff * and an organic red)

– 8 still water caps (from the vinegar bottle)

– 4 balsamic vinegar caps

– Half of a ripe mango

– 2 tablespoons of brown cane sugar (or less)

– 1 pinch of fleur de sel **

– 1 tablespoons oil of your choice (optional)

My caramelized character onions and their mango brunoise

Realization of the recipe

– Slice the onions

– Place them in a saucepan (or a frying pan) anti-stick with all the ingredients

– Leave to set over low heat for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally with a wooden spatula

– Add the mango cut into brunoise *. Leave to cook for 5 minutes. It's ready

My caramelized character onions and their mango brunoise

Tips / Advice / Variants / Information

* Roscoff onions:

Star variety characterized by a beautiful pink dress. It's an onion that is eaten both raw and cooked . It has a nice fruity taste. I've heard a lot about it. I tasted this onion in good time !!!

“L’Roscoff onion is a designation of origin (AOC) assigned since to a production of’onions cultivated in a demarcated area of ​​the northern coast of Finistère. It was a monk who brought, in the 17th century, pink onions he enjoyed while in Portugal, now a specialty of Roscoff. He taught his neighbors at the Couvent de Roscoff how to grow this very sweet and fragrant onion.. This is a variety of pink onion of the species Allium Cepa traditionally cultivated in the region, which is characterized by the pinkish-copper color of the outer tunics and by its average caliber between 40 and 80 mm of diameter. The name of the appellation refers to Roscoff, historical cradle of this production and for a long time the only export port to Great Britain. The control and management body for this designation is the Syndicate of the controlled designation of origin "Oignon de Roscoff" with its registered office at Saint-Pol-de-Leon.

A PDO request (Protected designation of origin) was presented in 2010 with the services of the European Commission1. It's the that Roscoff’s onion is recognized PDO, Protected designation of origin, that is, the appellation is recognized and protected by all member countries of the European Union.

Since 2003, the city of Roscoff organizes an "Roscoff Onion Festival" every year in August. In this city, the "House of Johnnies and Onions in Roscoff", installed in an old farm, which traces the history of this culture and Johnnies, onion merchants who went to Britain every summer to sell their onions door to door.” WIKIPEDIA

* Cut into brunoise:

Cut very small cubes of 1 to 2 mn with a sharp knife.

*Honey or agave syrup can replace sugar

**Iodized salt, much better for your health. Salt plays its role here as a flavor enhancer


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