Desserts,  Envolées lyriques,  Missives goûteuses

Yule Log Chocolate Praline / Raspberry. Recipe, realization and photo Berengere M.

log-Christmas-chocolate-praline raspberry
Yule Log Chocolate Praline / Raspberry



Berengere thank you ...

Christmas knocks insistently on our door

J-3, still no log of any kind ?

And this is important to us ?!

So, Berengere, loving young student cook

Receive and

Berengere, daughter Stephanie

My dear colleague and friend

Makes available

Selflessly and care

His famous recipe

A log house worthy of the name

Berengere thank you ...

BN Nath

The 22/12/2015



Enjoy your meal,

Good tasting,

Happy Holidays !!!

Yule Log Chocolate Praline / Raspberry

Recipe creation and photo Berengere M.

The biscuit : Genoese


– 4 eggs

– 10 grams of powdered sugar

– 125 grams of flour

-1 vanilla sugar package

– baking powder

– 1 pinch of salt


– Preheat oven to 180 °

– Separate the white yellow

– Beat the egg whites with a pinch of salt

– Mix the sugar and yolks until frothy

– Add the flour mixture

– Fold whites to the mixture to obtain a device in "ribbon" sparkling

– Spread on a baking sheet and bake for 15 minutes until the cake is golden

– Remove the biscuits from oven and roll it in a damp cloth so that it takes the shape of the log


Ganache Chocolate Praline rise


– 180 grams of chocolate-praline

– 15 cl cream


It is better to make the ganache yesterday to fit better.

– Heat cream

– Once boiling, pour the cream over the chocolate in pieces., and mix vigorously


Raspberry jam

To make it easier, take quality raspberry jam,

mix it with a little homemade raspberry coulis (crush raspberries and pass them through a sieve) to de-sweet the cake.

Then heat the mixture so that the gelatin of the jam takes everything.

Assembling the cake

– Once the cookie is cold, beat the ganache in the mixer so that it is airy

– Unroll the biscuit from the tea towel and spread it with the raspberry mixture

– Let 3 cm at the end so that it does not overflow when rolled

– Roll the biscuit tightly

– Cut clean edges

– Spread the ganache with a spatula


For the decorations

– With a fork, make ripples on the cream

– Arrange fresh raspberries all around the log

– Add small characters (here christmas candles).



log-Christmas-chocolate-praline raspberry
Yule Log Chocolate Praline / Raspberry




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