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My chicken yassa with pomelo and homemade broth N ° 2

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This recipe has been floating around in my head for a while.. I probably wouldn't have had the opportunity, let's say it clearly, the courage to share it with you if I had not seen the orange yassa ofAistou kitchen. I thought that if the Senegalese themselves allow themselves freedoms, then, why hold me back ? Especially when, with complete objectivity ;-), this version is really delicious ! Inspiration therefore, Aistou, by the way, knows that I like citrus fruits.







My chicken yassa with pomelo and homemade broth N°2


This recipe combines taste, color, lightness, vitamin and balance

Indeed, grapefruit has many benefits

  • A very moderate caloric intake, as well as fibers, du calcium and vitamin C


The pomelo ? Natural hybrid between grapefruit and orange. He was from the Caribbean.

He weighs 400 g on average. Her yellow skin, sometimes mottled with pink or red, her flesh is blond, rouge, or pink. Its juice-filled pulp is more or less sweet or tangy depending on the variety. There are indeed many varieties of pomelos.

Many are grown in Corsica, taking advantage of the sunny climate to flourish. These are magnificent organic Corsican pomelos, “star Ruby”, that I used.



My almost Yassa with pomelo and homemade broth N°2Click on the pictures to enlarge them


Make way for the recipe


My chicken yassa with pomelo and homemade broth N°2


What you need

– 4 chicken thighs and 4 back of thighs

– 7 large onions cut into rings

– 5 garlic cloves, cleaned and finely chopped

– 4 tablespoon of broth No. 2

- About 200 g of water + about 80 g chicken juice (the juice of your baked chicken)

– 3 gros pomelos (the juice of 2 pomelos ½, the remaining half cut into quarters with the skin on. Sauce and decoration))

– 1 tsp of oil (sunflower, peanut, colza)

– 1 tsp ZESOK washer (garlic tree fruit)

- Pepper (of Penja, White or black)

- From sea salt


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Realization of the recipe

- The day before, or at least 2 hours before, Clean the chicken (with coarse salt, lemon or white vinegar), make several incisions in the poultry, Salt and marinate with seasoning broth No. 2, the juice AND pulp of 2 pomelos ½. Beware seed

- In an anti – adhesive, make come back (oil free) the chicken over high heat for 15 to 20 minutes. Then put the chicken pieces (pour the tablespoon of oil over it) in a baking dish, 7 minutes on each side to 230 degrees in grill function. He must grill, not burn. If you don't have a non-stick pan, put a little water in the bottom of the pot

- In the pot, used for chicken, put onions. Watch them well. When they are translucent, add 2 tbsp of broth No.2, l’ail, the juice of the chicken marinade with the pulp of 2 pomelos 1/2, a bay leaf,(for me the garden), the teaspoon of washer, a hot or vegetarian pepper, the juice of the oven-baked chicken, half of half the pomelo cut into quarters and water




- Mix well and cook 20 minutes on high heat.

- Place the chicken pieces in the pot, adjust seasoning, and cook again 3 minutes. Pepper, It's ready.

- Serve with white rice and steamed vegetables (for my part eggplant and carrot)


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Tips / Advice / Variants / Information

*Homemade broths are practical and are a concentrate of vegetables, nutrients

*More information about grapefruit (ID card, the varieties, culture, nutrition, benefits ...)

By clicking on this link (ID card, the varieties, culture, nutrition, benefits ...)







Nathalie Brigaud Oum

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