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Workshops / Courses / Training / Pastry

Workshops / Courses / Training / Pastry

Savory and sweet



Introduction to African gluten-free flour in pastry making (savory and sweet recipes)
Concoctez-vous un joli dîner familial avec des farines de patate douce et de manioc
Tartes rustiques salées de farine patate douce aux légumes de saison ( or beef, fish or poultry)
Madeleines de farine de manioc fourrées aux fruits et chocolat ou parfumées à la mandarine
Pancakes de farine de manioc et leur sauce d’agrumes au romarin du jardin
Saturday 05/12/20,



The techniques used during this workshop

*Le choix des ingrédients

*Le repos

*Le remplissage des moules

*La cuisson à bonne température

*Les secrets d’une tarte rustique sans gluten salée et sucrée

*Le travail des pancakes sans gluten

*Tips and tricks







Madeleine and Clementine
Madeleine and Clementine










The detail of the ingredients, equipment and utensils, as well as the Zoom link will be communicated to you after payment.

The Tariff

Unit price of a course: 39 euros including tax

Subscriber(e) to the blog -15 % of discount (Member of the Envolées Gourmandes club): 33,15 EUROS

PayPal payment link


For non-subscribers

Offer to buy 3 workshops - 5 % of discount

Offer to buy 6 workshops - 10 % of discount

Offer to buy 10 workshops - 15 % of discount

PayPal payment link


You have a question ?

You want clarification

Tel (0033)0609033758

Nathalie Brigaud Oum

For gourmet flights

I hope you…

Upcoming workshops (Register by email

Waste-free cooking and pastry

Aperitif with African flavors

Celebration meal

The art of sauces

Vegetable cooking and pastry

Fonio in all its forms (Creative variations around…) Gluten free

The plantain in all its forms (Creative variations around…) Gluten free

Le Gari in all its forms (Creative variations around…) Gluten free

Starchy Pizza

Introduction to African gluten-free flours in bakeries

And you, what is your Proust madeleine?


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