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greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate


greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate


greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate
greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate



greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate
greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate


The samosa is a native donut Indian subcontinent and Pakistan.

Triangular in shape is made of a thin wheat paste that coats traditionally made stuffing vegetables or meat and spices.

I suggest a dessert of my own, samosa with a version starring course, Fourme d'Ambert.

This cheese is here enhanced by the fruits of my childhood Cameroon, mango and coconut and dark chocolate.

This highlights the best the character of the cheese and adds creaminess to a dessert whose mixture of tastes and textures surprises and puts mouth joy.

Treat yourself…

See also petites plantain pizza with fresh figs, and parsnips to two firings


greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate
greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate


greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate
greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate


For 16 sweet samosas

Preparation time 20 minutes

Cooking time : 4 minutes



What you need

– 150 g Fourme Ambert

– 8 large round sheets of pastry

– 1 chocolate plate 100 g

– 100 grated coconut

- Half of a beautiful ripe mango

- Of honey

- From icing sugar

- An egg

greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate
greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate


greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate
greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate


greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate
greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate


Preparation of the recipe

- Preheat oven to 190 °

– Préparer et réserver: 16 carrés de chocolat noir, des morceaux de mangues et de Fourme d’Ambert

- Cut the pastry sheet in half

- Fold each half sheet into a band

– Déposer sur l’extrémité de la bande l’équivalent d’une cuillerée à café de coco, un carré de chocolat noir un morceau de manque et une petite part de Fourme d’Ambert

– Rabattre en serrant bien fort feuille sur les produits.

- Fold the sheet of brick in a triangle.

- Repeat until the end of the sheet.

– Refermer le samoussa en collant l’extrémité avec un œuf battu.

– Badigeonner les 16 samoussas avec le reste de l’œuf battu

- Put in the oven for 4 minutes at 190 °


C’est prêt…Alors, à vous, le sucre glace et le miel à volonté 🙂

greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate
greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate


Pour concrétiser mes propos …

Réaliser vos samoussas. Voir ces illustrations très didactiques trouvées ici (thank you)


greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate
greedy samosas Fourme d'Ambert, fruit of my childhood and dark chocolate


Tips / advice / variants

Vous pouvez déguster ce dessert surprenant tel quel, l’arroser de miel ou l’apprécier avec un velvety mango lime ou avec A mug for two .













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