1st poetry and greedy collection,  topicality,  Collaborations,  conferences,  Contributions,  Missives goûteuses,  Press / social / media networks,  Go gourmands

Mets and Words: Meet greedy and Ticketing

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Du rêve au projet, envy to achieving, how to do ?

the appointment 15 September 2019 à Paris de 11h à 16h

BILLETTERIE ? LIEN https://www.weezevent.com/des-mets-et-des-mots

Réservez vite votre place !


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Tou(to)s the participants(e )s will be entitled to beautiful gifts. The 15 first registrants also have the possibility, by lottery , to win 2 meal with drink, offerts par la cantine épicerie BMK Paris Bamako.

And that's without taking into account the other surprises that await you at the event location !!!



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Our books

Sub-Saharan flavors (Aissatou Ndeye Mbaye blog aistoucuisine.com)

Unspecified My Kitchen (Nathalie Brigaud Oum black blog envoleesgourmandes.com)

Autour d’un buffet, venez discuter avec nous des différentes étapes et des nombreux enseignements de nos aventures éditoriales et entrepreneuriales.
– In the program : discussion dégustation , inspiration and motivation!
inspiring journey (guests handpicked) and many prizes to win.
Tarif unique.
Le lieu vous sera communiqué par mail. .

"The difference between a dream and a project, it's a date. "Walt Disney (1901 – 1966)


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Ndèye Aïssatou Mbaye est blogueuse et créatrice de contenus culinaires
Auteur de Saveurs Subsahariennes
– Ambassador of the Senegalese cuisine Accor Hotels .
– Finalist Foodies Madness Wordwilde
– Campaign ambassador #SMARTFOOD.



Nath Brigaud Oum TH 2018-1


Nathalie Brigaud Ngoum est Chef cuisinier, culinary consultant, blogger
– Author of My (Im)precise cooking (Gastronomic Book Prize of the Paris Fair 2019)
– Head of VOA -Voice of America TV – Africa segment – aromas – 30 African countries covered
– Public Live Demo WE EAT AFRICA Award 2018 (1first festival of African cuisines)
– Price Jury Coup entrepreneurs plural heart 2018 (Akb/Deloitte Foundation)
Finaliste du Trophée des Entrepreneurs Afro-créoles 2017 .


BILLETTERIE ? LIEN https://www.weezevent.com/des-mets-et-des-mots

Autre partenaire de choix Zesok, la Maison des épices.



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