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here are my 10 tips for beautiful naturally gluten free pancakes.



Roasted Mango and Coconut Stuffed Aumônières



Hello all,
I would like to welcome in our gourmet sphere, particularly to new and new abonné.e.s.

Candlemas went there some days. See the origin and details of this party
the – beyond the religious and the distant pagan rites, this 1st Sunday in February is the opportunity to meet up with family and friends after the end of the year feasts to continue having a feast and orgy of pancakes.

Here are my 10 tips for making beautiful pancakes, while, like me, you only have a frying pan at home (non-stick all the same !!!)

I also suggest you consume differently with a recipe of my own which honors cassava flour from Cameroon, my home country.

On la trouve dans tous les magasins tropicaux en France (bon foufou du Cameroun) ou commander celle de chez Racines bio. (La culture de ce manioc biologique est assurée par des producteurs au sud du Bénin). Vous pouvez aussi vous procurer la farine du Rwanda. Ce sont les plus communes.


here are my 10 conseils qui vous permettront d’avoir de magnifiques crêpes naturellement sans gluten.

J’espère vos photos à valoriser dans notre blog à nous 😉




manioc, makwamba, cassava, foufou, fufu, bon foufou du cameroun, crêpes, chandeleur, mango, citron, sirop de fleur d'hibiscus
manioc, makwamba, cassava, foufou, fufu, bon foufou du cameroun, crêpes, chandeleur, mango, citron, sirop de fleur d’hibiscus

* Sirop de foléré (bissap, Hibiscus flowers). Right here





1/ Avoir des produits sont de qualité dont les œufs frais et /ou bio

2/ Tamiser la farine
Indeed, cette étape indispensable permet non seulement de se débarrasser des impuretés, but also to facilitate mixing with the other ingredients, to aerate the flour and the "filter". ATTENTION, THE DENSITIES OF THE FLOURS USED CAN BE DIFFERENT ADJUSTING ITS QUANTITIES ACCORDING TO.

3/ Heat the milk to avoid lumps, liquid that you will put at the end of the mixture as you go

4/ Make a milk mixture (for the velvety), and water (for lightness)
5/ Use a mixture of salted butter and neutral or scented oil.
Butter to respect the original recipe. I also find him besides a je-ne- know what greedy, and oil for incomparable softness
This tip dates from my life in Cameroon, long before I came to France where I have lived since 22 years
Indeed, we were pancake fans at home (Bonabéri, suburb of Douala in Cameroon). Good quality butter was a rather scarce and expensive commodity at that time.). We therefore fell back on vegetable margarines and especially on peanut or cotton oil produced on site.)



Honey and chocolate
Honey and chocolate



6/ To put, using a funnel, pancake batter in small, easy-to-use bottles, to keep also. Goodbye ladles with which we dirty everything, the work plan, the rest of the kitchen too ...

7/ Heat your pan well so as not to miss the first pancake by searing it well from the start of your cooking.

8/ I do not sugar the pancakes. So, like I always do a ton, they serve me both sweet and savory. For the sweet team, you have the choice between other jams, spreads or jellies… (Unspecified My Kitchen, my poetic and gourmet book, still on sale, pages , 92, 98, 110, 112…

9/ Flavor the dough as you wish. Flavor it as you wish, both savory and sweet

10/ Present your pancakes in an original way

(Cakes, samossas, cornets, chaplains ... there is no shortage of ideas. I offer you here some, as a permanent story on my Instagram story too and even videos).



Now on to the recipe, to recipes !






Gluten Free Cassava Flour Pancakes (for farandoles)

ingredients 1 (between 40 and 60 pancakes according to the circumference of the pan)

– 60 cl of almond-based drink (milk, or coconut ... or another of your choice) theses

– 500 g cassava flour

– 400 g of warm water

– 5 eggs

– 100 g melted salted butter

– 50 g sunflower oil or another of your choice



Vegan and gluten free

ingredients 2

– 200 g cassava flour

– 20 cl of almond-based drink (milk, or coconut ... or another of your choice) lukewarm

– 100 g to 200 g of warm water

– 1 pinch of fleur de sel

– 60 g of oil of your choice

- Spices as you wish (cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg … or organic or untreated citrus zest)





Realization of the recipe 1

- Break the 5 eggs, place them in a salad bowl and beat them into an omelet (a whisk or a fork will do very well)

- Add the cassava flour

- Mix vigorously by pouring in the milk 3 or 4 times, work the dough well then put lukewarm water and stir again to have a smooth and homogeneous dough

- Finish with melted butter and oil

- Using a funnel, verser la pâte dans 1 or 2 bouteilles

– Faire bien chauffer une poêle à frire antiadhésive. Une fois bien chaude, verser la pâte à l’aide de la bouteille. Retourner la crêpe au bout d’1 à 2 minutes. Laisser cuire sur l’autre côté 1 minute environ




Realization of the recipe 2

– Dans un saladier mettre de la farine de manioc et la pincée de sel.

– Mélanger énergiquement en rajoutant le lait en 2 or 3 times, travailler bien la pâte et mettre l’eau tiède

– Ajouter l’huile

- Using a funnel, verser la pâte dans 1 bouteille

– Faire bien chauffer une poêle à frire antiadhésive. Une fois bien chaude, verser la pâte à l’aide de la bouteille. Retourner la crêpe au bout d’ 1 to 2 minutes. Laisser cuire sur l’autre côté 1 minute environ






Tips / Advice / variants / information

Voir plus haut aussi 😉


La farine de manioc

  • She gluten free, une bonne alternative à la farine de blé
  • It digests very well due to its high starch content, et soulagerait même les brûlures d’estomac, les maux de ventre et autres diarrhées.
  • It increases the feeling of satiety, always with starch. Indeed, it inflates and in the stomach, starch swells creating a feeling of satiety. Your appetite will decrease a bit and you will be able to eat less without feeling like you are starving yourself.






The manioc or yuca is a species of native plants of Central America and South America, especially the southwestern Amazon Basin.

Its name comes from a Tupi myth which tells how the goddess Mani, white skin, established his home (father) in the root of the plant – hence the words : Hands-goose and Tapioca – tapioca being a manioc derivative.

It was widely used by the settlers because of its high resistance to drought, its high profitability, but it was also to feed the slaves cheaply.

cassava, imported from Brazil in the sixteenth century, became in the & rsquo; a few decades the staple food of many African populations

Cassava is particularly well suited to the soil and climate of Africa, and it is consumed today in sub-Saharan Africa.

Indeed, Cassava can simply poor soils and very low rainfall. In addition, it can be harvested all year. Cassava also holds the record for highest efficiency in calories harvested per hectare, among all food crops except sugar cane.

There are two varieties of cassava, one of which can be fatal, because of the presence of cyanide in the roots : that is why it should be washed well with water the tubers before preparing.

  • Sweet Cassava: grown for local consumption in its tubers;
  • Bitter Cassava: mainly used for the preparation of starch and other derivatives.


current events

Gluten free

Cassava and its derivatives (including tapioca not contienent gluten, this is a product to include in the diet of people with celiac disease or intolerant to gluten.


The high starch content cassava makes it easily digestible, it will also help regulate the problems of diarrhea or & rsquo; colon irritation.

Rich in carbohydrates

L & rsquo; high intake of carbohydrates cassava starch makes it easy to integrate with meals, it may for example replace the potato or semolina s & rsquo; it is consumed in the form of cassava flour.

Consumed as fresh root and bio-processed products, cassava provides a rich source of energy, protein, vitamins and minerals for millions of people, particularly in the rapidly growing cities of the region.

Africa is the world's largest producer of cassava (57%), third main source of carbohydrates in the tropics, and a strategic livelihood culture for food security.

Nigeria remains the world heavyweight but its production would be down in 2017. On the other hand, Ghana, Côte d & rsquo; Ivoire and to a lesser extent Mozambique are progressing.

Cassava Production : l & rsquo; Africa and the world
(000 tons)
201420152016 (is.)2017 (prev.)
World276 766276 995278 754277 957
Africa154 900152 833155 398155 962
Nigeria56 32857 64357 85555 000
Ghana16 52417 21317 79819 139
Benign4 0673 4214 0964 150
Ivory Coast4 2395 0874 5485 367
RD Congo16 81715 30015 20014 550
Angola7 6397 7277 7887 140
Mozambique12 7008 1039 10010 920
Tanzania4 9935 8866 0005 500
Uganda2 8122 8982 4002 450
Malawi5 0134 9975 0005 050
Cameroon4 8365 0005 1705 345
Rwanda3 1173 0003 0603 200
Madagascar2 9302 6772 6292 700
other Africa12 88513 88114 75315 451
Latin America32 33432 39932 90829 407
Asia89 36591 68990 27492 418
Source : FAO


Global cassava production is expected to decrease slightly 2017, to reach 278 Mt, after two decades of uninterrupted growth. According to FAO, this is due to droughts, to lower prices and to policy changes.

The manioc fait partie des cultures de base to s & rsquo; étendues être très rapidement to & rsquo; Montgomery et world here représente the & rsquo; une des plus importantes sources of calories in les régions tropicales, after rice and maize, says FAO

According to FAO, Central Africa provides one third of all agricultural cassava production in Africa. The largest producers are Nigeria, Ghana, the Democratic Republic of Congo. In Cameroon, for example, cassava is widely grown and harvested throughout the year as an annual. The country consumes 60% of 5 million tons it produces annually, the third is intended for animal consumption. Ngoulemakong, a joint located 170 km from Yaounde, Cameroon, is one of the main production areas of the country with its 7600 tonnes annually.




Nathalie Brigaud Oum

Author the My kitchen imprecise. To buy it,

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