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My sublime roasted and fragrant sweet potatoes

Put some sun in your life. At the end of the article, See 8 other great recipes with sweet potato.

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Preparation : 10 minutes

Baking : 30 minutes

For 4 to 8 people












What you need

– 2 to 3 Sweet potatoes

- Fresh thyme from the garden

– Fresh basil from the garden (mine is the one with small leaves, very fragrant)

– Fresh parsley from the garden

– A small red onion

– A small yellow or white onion

- ½ teaspoon of salt

– ½ teaspoon of puck @zesok

– ½ teaspoon of pèbè @zesok (optional)

– PGI black penja pepper @Trésor d’Afrik

– Oil of your choice. 1 tablespoon (colza, sunflower, peanut, olive …)










Realization of the recipe

– Wash the sweet potatoes carefully, peel them, cut them into squares and place them directly on the baking tray covered with parchment paper

– Preheat your oven to 230°.

– Add to the plate, onions cut to your liking, salt, put the washer and the pèbè, to pay 1 to 2 tbsp of oil and mix well

- Bake for 29 minutes at 220°

– Stop the oven and add the fresh herbs and crushed pepper

- To leave 1 minute or less (OVEN OFF) time for the leaves to infuse slightly without burning, the pepper, to spread its perfume…. Brew and serve.

These sweet potatoes can be enjoyed alone, or as an accompaniment to a nice meat, a beautiful fish or tasty seafood. They are also eaten hot, warm or cold. It is also an ideal base for a complete salad.


Other recipes with sweet potato, in the blog

Crushed or mashed party, do you want some, in here

Mashed sweet potatoes’nut oil

Great tasty pizza sweet potato Mini Caprice

Fonio and banana pancakes with sweet potato flour

My Rustic Plant-Based Triple BA Sweet Potato Flour Pie

The marriage of a vegetable and a fruit in season

My clafoutis apricots, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes to African flavors (gluten free)

Sweet potato tasty morsels

Ground rings / fruits / seeds of the garlic tree
Ground rings / fruit / seeds of the garlic tree













Tips/advice/variations/ Information

  • D’autres herbes aromatiques font très bien l’affaire. Coriandre, sarriette, cerfeuil, origan, estragon, etc… Pas d’herbes fraîches? les séchées peuvent faire l’affaire …(les mettre en début de cuisson)
  • The Pèbè. It is a spice which with the garlic tree and its fruit the washer, the essèssè (4 sides) and the djansan, is the star of grills, hotpots, foil wrappers, marinades and other delicacies from Cameroon's rich culinary heritage.

    Baby, this is the Cameroonian name given to nutmeg from Gabon or African nutmeg. Its aroma and flavor combine wonderfully with the other spices mentioned. I also use it in baking. A gourmet originality.

    “(…). Species present in tropical Africa from Sierra Leone to Angola and Uganda, as well as on the islands of the Gulf of Guinea. It is a kind of evergreen humid dense forest, low and medium altitude, sometimes from degraded forest.The seeds are used as a condiment and spice. In Gabon, the fruits are used in traditional pharmacopoeia as a dewormer. The seed is the most used part of the plant.. Seeds with pungent flavor and aromatic odor, condiments and stimulants, are used dry (previously burned or grilled) as a condiment in the preparation of several Cameroonian dishes (yellow sauce, pepe soup, mbôngô djobi, etc.). The seeds also have medicinal properties. They are part of the products used in the treatment of fevers. They are also used to relieve constipation and migraines and are used to fight lice. Finally, these seeds are considered to be "good luck" ; this is what justifies their use in family blessing ceremonies (Vivien and Faure, 1995; Walker et Sillans, 1995); (…) “


    Cameroon's edible forest fruit trees

    THE. Eyog Moderate, THE. Ndoye, J. Kengue and A. Awono, Editors

    The International Institute of Plant Genetic Resources (IPGRI) is an independent scientific organization of an international character aiming to promote the conservation and deployment in fields and in forests of plant genetic resources for the benefit of present and future generations. He is one of the 15 Future Harvest centers operating under the auspices of the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (GCRAI), an association of members from the private and public sectors who support efforts to use cutting-edge science to reduce hunger and poverty, improve diet and health, and to protect the environment. IPGRI is headquartered in Maccarese, near Rome, and Italy, and has regional offices in more than 20 countries around the world.

*Lire l’article ci-dessous qui détaille les valeurs nutritives et les bienfaits de la patate douce sur notre santé

Les nombreux bienfaits de la patate douce


  1. Moyennement calorique grâce à sa faible teneur en protéines et en lipides, elle convient aux personnes souhaitant perdre du poids.
  2. Riche en fibres qui vont avoir pour rôle la régularisation de la fonction gastro-intestinale, lowering cholesterol levels and managing blood sugar.
  3. Low glycemic index. The glycemic index of sweet potato is 70 and that of the regular potato varies between 80 and 111 depending on the variety. Eat low-glycemic foods can help people with diabetes, or who are at risk, to better control their blood sugar.
  4. Rich in vitamin A that helps the growth of bones and teeth, keeps the skin healthy and protects against infection. Moreover, it plays an antioxidant and promotes good vision, especially in the dark.
  5. Rich in carotenoids, antioxidants that will fight against free radicals.
  6. Reduced risk of cancer due to anthocyanins, powerful antioxidants, that & rsquo; it contains.
  7. Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. With phenolic compounds and anthocyanins it contains, sweet potato could prevent and reduce the oxidation of "bad" cholesterol (LDL), a risk factor for cardiovascular disease.
  8. Improving liver functions also thanks to anthocyanins.
  9. Decreased insulin resistance and improved blood glucose control due to low glycemic index of sweet potato.
  10. Stimulation of the immune response because of the antioxidants.
  11. Slower cognitive decline that would be due to the high content of antioxidants. »

Sources = patate_douce_nu



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