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Aperitif platter or aperitif board ? I answer greedily in this educational article, inspiring and fun

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Special dedications to Sonia, Aurore, Carla, Customs, Nadine and especially Paola in memories of beautiful moments of Sunday 13 June 2021.

A nod to Massiel

Massiel posted a magnificent aperitif platter on Instagram, a few days ago. She wanted to know who would share hers. I proposed myself without having any precise idea in mind. I opened my fridge, my cupboards and I started.

On the photo I posted on the networks and which I detail for you here, We have:

*Raclette cheese
*Sauteed okra with African curry No2 @envoleesgourmandes and @zesok(on sale soon)
*Macabo chips ** by me flavored with mbongo ** the spice that gives its name to our national black sauce
*Ham without nitrite
*Leftover braised fish condiments (I highly recommend my homemade foléré / bissap blanc ketchup) see the recipe here
*Cherry tomatoes
*Brazil nut
*Savory sweet potato and sorghum madeleines (I invite you to adopt this cassava madeleines recipe
*Leftover arugula

Aperitif platter or aperitif board ?

We don't have to choose,the container does not matter. The main thing is the assortment.

I decide to talk about the stage for consistency, especially grammatical, the two words do not have the same gender. L’article peut être écrit exactement de la même façon en respectant bien sûr les accords du féminin.

Trêve de leçons grammaticales, passons au vif du sujet.

Ces plateaux appartiennent à la vague « finger food », repas fait avec les doigts, ce qui ne veut pas dire pris sur le pouce 🙂

La proximité des vacances, de belles rencontres, de jolies retrouvailles, synonymes de grandes tablées favorisent ce type de partage gourmand.

Avec ces plateaux qui fleurissent sur les réseaux, dans certains restaurants, et même chez les particuliers, il est de bon ton de consommer du fromage avec de la charcuterie, des légumes, des tartinades de toute sortes.

Indeed, These large plateaus are available to envy and envy. Everyone is benefiting. This is how several diets can coexist in the same tray.

Consensual, so varied. Why adopt them if you haven't yet ?

– It stimulates creativity, l’imagination. The attention to detail and the combinations of flavors are in full swing for this purpose..

– It is anti-waste. This is how you can cleverly use leftovers.

– It is often colorful, always greedy.

– It awakens culinary curiosity and helps adults and especially children to awaken to taste in a fun way.

To know more, particularly on the platters this cheese. Read this article *

To conclude with this publication and answer the question asked as a title? Aperitif platter or aperitif board ? Reply?
Gourmet sharing that can serve as an aperitif, main course, to taste or even dessert. It all depends on what we share.

It is recommended for fragile populations (young children, and especially those under 5 years, pregnant women, immunocompromised people, that is, people who are already sick, very tired or even hospitalized from not consuming raw milk or raw milk cheeses. *

Tips / Advice / Variants / Information

You can use other spices of your choice, another leftover salad, other cheeses and instead of Brazil nuts, to bring crunch, peanuts, cashew nuts, nuts ...



*Okra has its napkin ring with us !!!

To have the many riches of this African vegetable, read this blog post.

**Soon a Zoom on the macabo and the mbongo spice, the one that gives its name to the famous black sauce, ebony, from Cameroon

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