1st poetry and greedy collection,  topicality,  Envolées lyriques,  Missives goûteuses

A book…

Hello to you who have just arrived in our lyrical and gourmet house.

A special hello to Rachel, Rachelle, Marème (these regulars, always encouraging) and Émilie who joins us…

Well done to Marème @ maremita7 on Instagram for getting her “professional cook title”.
The inhabitants and businesses of the North of France, will be able to use his services as a Chef at home, from October. To book your appointments, contact her now for balanced and original meals…

Rachel @rachoubijoux on Instagram is one of those beautiful souls that you are happy to find on your way. We have never seen each other “in truth”. Thank you again to social networks and to this good old phone for our exchanges.

Outside of his paid work, Rachel creates stunning jewelry to order on her Instagram account

By the way she already bought 5 copies of Mon Imprécis de cuisine!!! thank you for the trust.

Rachelle, as for she has a very nice blog https://uneplumedanslacuisine.com/

The most Swedish of the West Indies has been offering us for many years “Caribbean and Elsewhere recipes”. His blog is a real Ali Baba cave

Je ne lui dirai jamais assez merci pour toutes les ressources mises à la disposition de toutes celles et tous ceux qui aspirent à se mettre au blogging comme c’était mon cas en 2015. Thank you, thank you

By the way, elle a aussi publié une collection de livres pour enfants https://www.amazon.fr/Livres-enfants-Rachelle-Coulanges/s?rh=n%3A301137%2Cp_27%3ARachelle+Coulanges

A book …
Un livre papier est un objet passion.
Un livre est un formidable vecteur de transmission
We buy it in one or more copies.
We offer it to ourselves or we please others.
A mom or a dad can solemnly give it to their child.
The book is a legacy.
The paper book, we often survive. It is timeless.
It has a texture, a smell, a clean life. It rustles pages that we turn.
A book can be donated, loaned, sold, resold.
We can also smell it, touch, reopen it, use it from time to time, or regularly.
A book can be a gift and also a pleasure.
It allows you to find yourself, to ask, with its contents, make recipes, here and now, as in 1 month, 6 month, 2 years or 10 years….
A book is related to knowledge.
Mine allows you to learn other recipes, learn more about new products, to enrich your vocabulary.
My books are not in fashion, so they will never be out of fashion.
They are in my image, talkative…a little, a lot (chut) ..en même temps que sincères et généreux.
They explore our products from Africa without closing themselves off from the world, with a touch of poetry, lyricism, they talk about my feelings, yours too ...
My kitchen imprecise is looking forward to seeing you in store…
A book…

Get you the poetic and gourmet collection

Back to the book

Once again, I open @monimprecisdecuisine, because I never tire of it and I am struck by his poems which remind us of lived experience, lyrics, missed goodbyes and fond memories that rock me as I cook her amazing recipes.
This book is dripping with delicacies. But also a lot of humanity and sensitivity. This Nathalie ! Keep on feasting on good things.
Hello Nathalie, And here is my first realization of the book. I had no milk other than cow's milk, I also put honey instead of agave syrup, finally I replaced the handle with ginger powder. Short, j'ai adoré la texture croustillante des pancakes 🥰🥰 et de manger le manioc autrement. Merci 😘
Quand j’ai commandé ton livre, je m’attendais à recevoir un beau livre de cuisine, mais pas un livre exceptionnel. Alors quelle surprise!! Ton livre est magnifique. Really, I am impressed with this excellent work., this professionalism. Everything is perfect : the presentation, les photos, the quality and feel of the paper, and especially the gourmet and original content. We really feel all your love and your passion for cooking through your work. Your book deserves a lot of success, I can highly recommend it.


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