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My foolish juice (chalices of hibiscus flowers, bissap) with flavored ice cubes


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My foolish juice (Hibiscus flowers, bissap) with flavored ice cubes


Nutritionist's word (Dr Virginie Guemjom)

Hibiscus flowers are rich in minerals, especially in iron, magnesium, calcium and contain antioxidants. They bring tone, and help purify the body.

For 1,5 approx. of foléré juice

Preparation time : 10 minutes

Cooking time : 10 minutes

Difficulty : easy



My foléré / bissap juice and its flavored ice cubes
My foléré / bissap juice and its flavored ice cubes




– 100 g dried hibiscus flowers ( Scientific name : Hibiscus saddarifa
common or popular names : Guinea sorrel, crazy, bissap, roselle, carcaded, abyssinian tea…)

– 30 g caster sugar (optional, honey or agave syrup)

– 1 ten mint leaves with their stem




Realization of the recipe

1- In a salad bowl, start by rinse hibiscus calyxes with plenty of water. They often contain sand. There will be a small deposit at the bottom of the bowl

2– Bring to the boil with the mint leaves for 10 minutes. Oh ! The beautiful red color !

3– Leave to infuse 2 mn and then filter to collect the still hot juice

4–Add the caster sugar, your honey or agave syrup, mix everything together then consume (hot or cold)



My foléré / bissap juice and its flavored ice cubes
My foléré / bissap juice and its flavored ice cubes



Tips / advice / variants

* Many associations with Guinea sorrel juice exist, I let you use your imagination. I suggest you as for me to impress your guests with ice cubes of foléré (bissap) scented that will enhance, waters, fruit juice or other alcoholic beverages. Put the juice in ice cube trays Many ingredients can go into the composition of these flavored ice cubes.

*Add as you wish, you lemon, cinnamon, orange blossom, vanilla pod, drops of essential oils, you thyme, basil, rosemary… Or pineapple pulp, orange juice…There are many combinations.

*you don't have to bring the chalices to a boil. Boil water only and in this case, infuse them for at least 20 mn. You can also cold brew them for at least 4 hours to 24h.

What better than to treat yourself while taking care of your health ?



Gourmand World Cookbook Awards
Gourmand World Cookbook Awards



Nathalie Brigaud Oum

Author the My kitchen imprecise. To buy it,

- Click https://envoleesgourmandes.wixsite.com/envoleesgourmandes/livre



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