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Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja *

Bonjour, Dear All and All,

From the outset, un merci ému à tous les nouveaux abonnés du blog lyrique et gourmand 😉

Who says only the pineapple was combined to one person, what did I say, one recipe?

Article first published on 27 August 2016. You can since yesterday, 03 July 2018, find it, amended and modified on the RFI website (Radio France Internationale)




Et aussi dans sa version originale sur le site de l’Afrique des voyages, meetings and sharing…



I have known, in my youth, in the streets of Douala and its suburbs in Cameroon, pineapple mountains in crushed ice, sold along the streets, as papayas. See here

As far as I can remember, I still married, mixed, concocted, tried, and tasted a taste of the products. We push, these wonders and I, in our entrenchments. I like the pineapple into, dish, to taste, en dessert, en sucré en salé, en sucré-salé !!! En attendant les autres recettes dont je vous fais la promesse, intéressons-nous déjà à celle qui nous tend ses bras frais ….


L’ananas, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja *

Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja
Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja

It's hot (2)

The thread of my summer flights

S ‘étire langoureusement



And led my imagination

My head sweating

(It's hot !!!)

And still thriving

To flavors

Both fresh and original

With pronounced keys of my native Cameroon.

Que pensez-vous de cette salade de ma création ?

C’est vrai qu’il fait très chaud !!!

BN Nath

The 27/08/2016

The thread of my summer flights

Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja
Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja

Pineapple, avocat et concombre en salade au poivre de Penja

Preparation : 15 minutes

Baking : cru

For 1 to 4 people (selon que c’est une entrée ou un plat principal)

What you need

– 1 pineapple

– 2 lawyers

– 1 cucumber (2 cylinders about 5 cm each)

– 1 lime

– Some crushed peanuts (l’équivalent de deux cuillerées à soupe)

– Salt

Du poivre de Penja* (noir, blanc ou vert et pourquoi pas un mélange des 3) 🙂 🙂 🙂

Quelques feuilles de coriandre


Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja
Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja
Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja
Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja











Preparation of the recipe

Éplucher l’ananas et le couper en petits morceaux. Salt, poivrer et réserver

Diviser les avocats en deux dans le sens de la longueur et enlever le noyau de chacun d’eux


Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja
Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja


– Using a small knife, made cuts crisscrossing the lawyer of its length and width without cutting the skin with a spoon, Carefully remove all the flesh

– Add avocado and pineapple. Drizzle with lime juice, salt and pepper

– Detail finely cucumbers cylinders and half cilantro then, put them in the bowl already containing pineapple and avocado


Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja
Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja


– Gently mix everything and prepare by adding the remaining coriander and crushed peanuts (optional)

Serve as fresh, It's hot !!!

The color of the fragrant and juicy pineapple blends perfectly with the creaminess of avocado and finesse and freshness of cucumber

This salad is original, fresh, elegantly colored, tasty and dietary ...


Enjoy your meal

Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja
Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja

Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja
Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja



Tips / advice / variants




* For those who want, add pieces of fresh tomatoes, for even more color and 1 or 2 spoonfuls d & rsquo; d & rsquo oil, peanut or d & rsquo; olive

* Cette salade peut accompagner une savoureuse viande rôtie, de la charcuterie ou du poisson grillé à la plancha ou au barbecue ou se manger telle quelle

* Je vous fais confiance pour savoir comment déguster, notre belle salade et raconter vos envolées culinaires sur le blog… je vous espère …


Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja
Pineapple, avocado and cucumber salad pepper Penja



*Les bienfaits de l’ananas

*Les dix vertus de l’avocat

* Les atouts du concombre



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