Around ...,  The vegetable garden to the plate,  Plats principaux,  Poultry

Duo chicken and fresh tomatoes flavored with fresh bay leaves from the garden

Duo de poulet et tomates fraîches parfumés aux feuilles de laurier fraîches du jardin


Chicken-tomato-laurel-mustard-onion-garlic rice
Duo chicken and fresh tomatoes flavored with bay leaves
Chicken-tomato-laurel-mustard-onion-garlic rice
Duo chicken and fresh tomatoes flavored with bay leaves












I propose today a recipe that has always great success at home, chicken duo tomatoes flavored with bay leaves.

Pendant que la volaille cuit doucement au four, vous avez le temps de vous faire belle ou beau, de mettre la table, de répondre à un ou deux mails, ou faire ce que bon vous semble😉 😉 😉 😉

Notre poulet est goûteux, tasty sauce, tomatoes for their, are lightly toasted on the top and all soft on the inside.

The recipe is pleasantly scented with bay leaf.

A bay leaf is an evergreen shrub whose leaves are used to flavor food preparations.

It should not be confused with other laurels (cherry, rose) which are toxic.


Chicken-tomato-laurel-mustard-onion-garlic rice
Duo chicken and fresh tomatoes flavored with bay leaves


For 6 to 12 people

Preparation time : 30 minutes

Cooking time : 50 minutes


What you need

– 6 chicken thighs with back (a tray of about 1kg and ½)

– 5 means yellow onions

– 5 d & rsquo cloves garlic

– 6 to 8 Tomato according template (I did not have 2 big black Crimea, 3 medium yellow, and 2 small red, of the garden)

– 5 bay leaves 5 others for decoration (fresh leaves)

– 2 tablespoons mustard

– 2 tablespoons d & rsquo; d & rsquo oil; olive

– Salt

– Ground pepper


Preparation of the recipe

– Preheat oven to 180 ° (convection)

– Clean the chicken, even if purchased in tray, there are remains of feathers and fat to be removed, le doing

– Place the pieces in a large baking dish

– Make incisions (2) on each side of the thighs

Assaisonner la volaille avec le sel et la moutarde

– Working by hand to evenly distribute and rub seasonings

– Add 5 bay leaves, onions and garlic chopped 4

– Bake the dish covered with foil for 30 mn

– Remove the dish from the oven and turn the chicken pieces

– Place the tomatoes cut into quarters (2 or 4) depending on the size of the tomato

– Salt, pepper generously, plus 3 tablespoons oil (olive, peanut, rapeseed or sunflower)

– Put the dish in the oven without foil during about 20 mn

-Garnish the dish with the rest of bay leaves

– Serve with white rice.


Chicken-tomato-laurel-mustard-onion-garlic rice
Duo chicken and fresh tomatoes flavored with bay leaves
Chicken-tomato-laurel-mustard-onion-garlic rice
Duo chicken and fresh tomatoes flavored with bay leaves










Tips / advice / variants

*For a little more sauce, you can add 1 cuillerée à soupe de moutarde, un peu de sel et la moitié d’un verre d’eau (Just before asking tomatoes) .

*Vous pouvez utiliser d’autres plantes aromatiques comme du romarin ou du thym. Si elles sont séchées, put more because they are less fragrant than fresh

*For an even more fragrant chicken, l & rsquo; season the day before for the following afternoon or in the morning for dinner.

*I, I made off the cuff, and c & rsquo; was also a real tastes festival. And you ? Tell us your culinary flights …




  • Pope

    A good recipe for chicken that we enjoyed with family. Simple to perform. I marinated a day. The flesh is fragrant with the different aromas. As I didn't have bay leaves, I replaced it with rosemary.. An advice, have fun.

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      Definitely, This recipe will make at least two families happy !!!
      She is still very successful at home. The flesh of the chicken is impregnated with different aromas (ail, onion, mustard, laurier, in your recipe, rosemary..). In another family, maybe, thyme or tarragon. And how you write it so well, people have fun.
      Thank you for your support since the first blog post., the 20 October (2015).

  • Valérie

    cuckoo Nath,
    Me voilà enfin en train de laisser un message.
    Je suis déjà venue à de nombreuses reprises, tentée par l’une ou l’autre de tes recettes.
    Les couleurs donnent envie et la simplicité des recettes me fera faire le pas. Ça tombe bien! Nous arrivons dans les périodes de fêtes.
    Je ne manquerai pas de t’en parler à l’occasion.

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath

      Coucou Val,

      J’ai attendu longtemps un commentaire de toi sur ce blog qui se veut convivial et joyeux. C’est chose faite et j’en suis ravie !!!!!!! 🙂
      J’espère que tu te laisseras vraiment tenter par quelques recettes et que tu te décideras à les essayer pour de vrai.
      Merci de tes compliments. Ce blog souhaite promouvoir des plats originaux, voire surprenants, colorful, balanced and easy to make. The photos are greedy, all presented with lyricism and passion.
      Hope we get there, at least we are working on it…

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