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My clafoutis apricots, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes to African flavors (gluten free)


Hello dear (e)s All and All,

I welcome all new subscribers. Continue to grow our family opera and gourmet . Thank you



You said ROOTS ?

(Racine, definitions Larousse)

 usually underground organ of vascular plants, which sets the ground and ensuring their supply of water and minerals.

 Hair Follicle, bulb of a hair, a hair : Plucking hair with its root.

 Part by which a member, a member is implanted in another organ or a body part.

 Part by which an organic structure attaches to another organ or the rest of the body.

 What is the basis, responsible for something : Discover the root of evil.

 Literary. strong connection, deep attachment to a place, an environment, a group : We wanted to countries with deep roots.

 Anatomy

Part of a tooth located in the alveolar bone of the maxilla.

 Geology

Under the mountain ranges, deep portion of the continental crust characterized by a depression of the up moho 70-80 km.

 Linguistics

virtual shape which leads the analysis of a word after removal of all the elements forming and grammatical index and which carries essential semes, Common to all the terms made from this form.


Common to all these definitions is that the roots are originally, the birth, base, the foundation, the basement, foot, the inking, the seat, that is to say the base on which we rely to grow and shine.

The uniqueness of the RACINES identity, the company, translates into :

– Its proximity to its suppliers. The company took root in Benin, in Senegal and Madagascar.

– His relationship with his clients. It has taken root for over 30 years in the life of these. In mine, It's certain.

– Concern for product quality and traceability, objectives and missions (further away) are one of the foundations of the structure







At the heart of AGROPOLIS, RACINES participates in research programs & Development for the development and improvement of food from continental African and Indian Ocean.



Agropolis is an association (law 1901) created 1986, by research institutions and higher education in Montpellier and the Languedoc-Roussillon region

This is an exceptional scientific community located in Montpellier - Occitania. It revolves around agriculture, Food, biodiversity and the environment. Within it, 2 700 researchers and teachers working on tropical agriculture.

Besides its international scientific platform character facing the Mediterranean and the South, Agropolis International is also a multi-stakeholder space open to all partners (of which ROOTS) economic development. To find out more about this ecosystem ...




Since 1987, the company RACINES, has set itself the objective of introducing and appreciating African food products to European consumers. RACINES also sells throughout the world, food products to meet a demand from populations of African origin and the Indian Ocean.
The RACINES company is deployed from 6 sites :

MONTPELLIER (headquarters)
MONTREUIL (the warehouse, sales and logistics)
THE HAVRE (the subcontracting of the freight forwarder)
DAKAR (the processing workshop, and the interface in West Africa)

ANTANANARIVO (liaison and coordination of the organic sector in Madagascar products)

COTONOU (the quality control, traceability and development of conventional and organic from the Gulf of Guinea Region)

For more information on the group



I use ROOTS products for many years. I also, through the communication team, Aida and particularly since shortly Nina, greater proximity with the brand, particularly the organic range.






Our collaboration may be expanded, depending on the opportunities and commitments each other.

Waiting, I regale you with seasonal recipe, fresh, perfumed, an original creation, gluten free.

Here is my apricot clafoutis, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes African flavors . It is concocted with 4 ORGANIC ROOTS leading products, to know, cane sugar , the coco drink (milk) , sweet potato flour and manioc, All products from organic agriculture.


Screenshot 2019-07-15 at 11.30.11

Screenshot 2019-07-15 at 11.31.10125-fpdbio





I put to use very ripe bananas black stained that are not always taking home, some apricot and lavender from my small vegetable garden, space I tell you often adventures.

Now, go to recipe.



My clafoutis apricots, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes to African flavors (gluten free)

Click on the pictures to enlarge them.

My clafoutis apricots, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes to African flavors (gluten free)
My clafoutis apricots, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes to African flavors (gluten free)


recipe simple, quick, seasonal and tasty !!!


the clafoutis ?

According to the Larousse dictionary. male name. Poitevin word, Old French claufir, fasten with nails, sprinkle something.

It is a kind of blank (flour mixture, of milk, eggs and sugar spent in the oven) black cherry, cooked in a pie (dotted with cherries ...)

quintessential seasonal recipe in France where I live, it is perfect for sun country whose inhabitants are very active on my blog.

The clafoutis is fast realizing, very simple. The act of cooking is practical in minicocotte, allows to individualize the units, while keeping the friendly and playful side of this moment of sharing. The originality of these small containers and color are in tune with that of fruit. Indeed, la cerise n’est plus le seul fruit utilisé pour cette gourmandise tant appréciée. Laissez libre cours à votre imagination !

Je vous partagerai un jour mes clafoutis salés aux légumes ou aux féculents. En attendant ces moments d’anthologie 😉 il est vraiment temps de nous mettre aux fourneaux !!!!


For 5 people, 5 minicocottes

Preparation : 10 minutes

Baking : 25 minutes


My clafoutis apricots, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes to African flavors (gluten free)
My clafoutis apricots, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes to African flavors (gluten free)



What you need

– 200 ml de boisson coco (milk), Roots Organic Food

– 50 g brown sugar Roots bio

– 50 g sweet potato flour, Roots Organic Food

– 30 g manioc, Roots Organic Food

– 20 g melted salted butter (for pulp and casseroles)

– 6 apricots

– 3 small ripe bananas

– 2 eggs

– 2 tablespoons neutral oil (peanut rapeseed, sunflower)

– 2 beautiful branches of lavender (for me, of the garden)



My clafoutis apricots, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes to African flavors (gluten free)
My clafoutis apricots, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes to African flavors (gluten free)



Preparation of the recipe

- Put the coconut milk, the coarsely chopped lavender in a saucepan. Boil, infuse then cool

- Wash the apricots, remove pits and cut into 4, Peel the bananas and cut them 6 washers

- In a pan, place the apricots and the other lavender branch, put the 2 tablespoons neutral oil

- Sauté over medium heat fruit, 2 minutes

- Add the bananas and fry again 2 minutes or so

- then Arrange fruit in the bottom of buttered casserole

- In a salad bowl, battre ensemble les œufs et le sucre, y adjoindre le beurre , la farine de patate douce, la semoule de manioc et délayer avec le lait de coco infusé à la lavande

–Verser la pâte sur les fruits et enfourner à 190° pendant 25 minutes


My clafoutis apricots, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes to African flavors (gluten free)
My clafoutis apricots, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes to African flavors (gluten free)


Tips / Advice / variants and information

* Vous pouvez utiliser le romarin ou du thym frais en lieu et place de la lavande

* Remplacer, if you wish it, part of the sweet potato flour for almond powder

*Out of the oven, let cool for a few minutes then sprinkle with Envolées Gourmandes Granolas (the sweet range) or peanuts (peanuts) crushed, or even ORGANIC ROOT baobab powder

*Seasonal fruits are out, use them. Make gourmet variations…





My clafoutis apricots, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes to African flavors (gluten free)
My clafoutis apricots, bananas and lavender garden in minicocottes to African flavors (gluten free)

The benefits of the fruits used





Feel free to send me pictures of your achievements, to leave comments on the blog, to ask me questions and of course subscribe here to receive recipes, photo tips and keep you abreast of our news.


The lyrical and delicious collection (Price of the Paris Fair 2019) is still on sale

- To Paris and its region At BMK Paris Bamako , 14 street loyalty 75010 (East Metro Station)

- For Senegal at

- For Gabon at

- To send a message to Cameroon or


#Delivery worldwide. Let me your order and contact information


Thank you


#Want a dedication? Let's meet in Paris

#To make an appointment,

See you soon…


Nathalie Brigaud Oum

Author of My imprecise kitchen. /Home chef / Creations revenue and content / Workshops cooking and writing for businesses and individuals

Culinary Consulting / Education / Business, restaurateurs, educational institutions, special?

In France or elsewhere in the world ?


I hope you…






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