Antigaspi,  The vegetable garden to the plate,  Envolées lyriques,  Légumes,  Missives goûteuses,  Potager,  Vegetarian recipes,  Express Meal,  Gluten free,  Lactose free,  VEGA

Beet leaves (of the garden) at the party


Beet greens at the party
Beet greens at the party

Beet greens at the party


Beet greens at the party
Beet greens at the party


delicious year


I start the year

With a recipe born

My imagination

Also in boiling.

A dish, himself

Summarizes a glance

The key words

Underlying smooth

My approach on this blog.

Creativity, reactivity,

Acuity, inventiveness

Originality, speed

Quality and simplicity

satiety Flavors

Colors at will.




Let yourself go,

In this new year

I hope for you

For us

Delicious to perfection…



BN Nath


Bon Appetit and Happy New Year 2016 to all!!!




Beet greens at the party

La betterave potagère est un légume rustique qui résiste assez bien au froid et au gel. Elle se prête à une dégustation, aussi bien crue que cuite.

Elle est parente de la betterave à sucre ainsi que de la betterave fourragère, réservée à l’alimentation animale.

C’est un légume, riche en minéraux, en vitamines et de culture facile. J’en ai planté dans des pots cet été sur notre terrasse (merci Clarisse 🙂 ) et en l’absence de gelées actuellement, leurs feuilles sont magnifiques. Elles sont vertes ou rouges et sont comestibles.


Beet greens at the party
Beet greens at the party

For 2 people

Preparation time : 5 minutes

Cooking time : 5 minutes


What you need

– 120g de feuilles de betteraves rouge (Une vingtaine de feuilles avec leurs tiges)

– 2 d & rsquo cloves garlic

– 2 spoonfuls of olive oil

½ cube de volaille (5g) ou une grosse cuillerée de bouillon maison

– A handful of fried onions ( they are crispy and are easily found in hypermarkets and supermarkets as well as in Asian grocery stores)



– Wash the beet leaves with their stems in plenty of water (watch out for sand and sometimes small animals. You can add a drop of vinegar to the water)

– Slice them on a cutting board

Beet greens at the party
Beet greens at the party

– Peel the garlic and roughly chop it

– To put 2 spoonfuls of olive oil in a frying pan over high heat

– Brown the beet greens, garlic and half a cube of crumbled poultry or vegetable to give flavor to the whole thing if you use it, or homemade seasoning broth

Beet greens at the party
Beet greens at the party

– Mix well for about 5 minutes, It's ready

Dresser et finir par les oignons frits

– Serve hot



Beet greens at the party
Beet greens at the party


Beet greens at the party
Beet greens at the party


Beet greens at the party
Beet greens at the party



Tips / advice / variants

* S’aider d’un emporte-pièce pour le dressage

* Ces légumes peuvent accompagner une viande ou un poisson et aussi se manger tous seuls. La tendreté des feuilles se marie à merveille au croquant des tiges , au parfum de l’ail et au croustillant de l’oignon frit !!!!

* Sur l’une des photos, j’ai rajouté de petits morceaux de piments très forts (ne pas m’imiter si vos papilles n’y sont pas habituées). 🙂


Beet greens at the party
Beet greens at the party



  • Porquier

    Jusqu’à présent. ..mes feuilles de betterave aterissaient directement au compost …..ignorance. ….
    Pour servir une tablée de 15 people…you have to have some beet greens. .. that was not my case..I thought of this quote from Ken Follett who says: ” La proportion, it is the heart of beauty ”
    To enrich my dish, I placed the beet leaves in small ramekins, this time respecting your presentation.. ….and with the beetroot itself I made a Gallic salad. …which I presented with.
    One of my guests while tasting the dish said…” this is not the beauty of the woman who bewitches, but its nobility.” …….this dish is a nobility. …..quote from Euripides.
    Nath thank you

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