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melon duo salad with Parmesan shavings

melon duo salad with Parmesan shavings
melon duo salad with Parmesan shavings

At Jeanne, grace, Nadia, Adyeh, Rozelyne, Doris, Fernande

and all Afapeuses,

so your actions ,

what did I say, our actions,

our dreams and commitments

bear fruit ...


BN Nath

autumn Wings

The cold that s & rsquo; installs permanently

Do not stop my flights

Continue blithely

Their greedy merry way

D & rsquo; summer,

They became autumn

Autumn !!!

Beautiful colors in the & rsquo; year

Season-rich products

That allows me to continue

To offer

Colorful delights

originals, Quick to realize ...

Simply delicious.

BN Nath

The 16/10/2016




melon duo salad with Parmesan shavings
melon duo salad with Parmesan shavings




Here salad as requested from my article that said you my love: I love you


melon duo salad with Parmesan shavings



For 4 to 12 people

Preparation : 15 minutes

Baking : Cru



What you need

– 1 Charentais melon

– 1 melon Galia

– 75 g cashew

– Olive oil (for me fragrant basil)

– 100 g parmesan

– Salt

– Pepper 3 berries

– 1 bunch fresh basil

– 3 tablespoons balsamic condiment soup



Preparation of the recipe

– Keep both types of melons cool until the work

– Halve the melon

– Remove seeds with a spoon

– Using a melon baller, form melon balls, taking care not to pierce the skin and place in a bowl, salt and pepper

– Add half of cashews, some chopped basil leaves, the 3 tablespoons balsamic condiment soup, du sel à votre convenance et 2 tablespoons d & rsquo; d & rsquo oil; olive

– Toss gently

– Garnish melons carved with the contents of the bowl

– Finish with Parmesan shavings, cashews, pepper, basil leaves and dig !!!



melon duo salad with Parmesan shavings
melon duo salad with Parmesan shavings


Tips / advice / variants

* If you would like me to serve the melon (for 4) in melon mumps processed containers, Carefully trim the ends to make them stable during service.

You can also submit your entry in small glasses (6 to 12)

* You can replace the balsamic condiment 3 teaspoons lime soup (merci Edwige !!!)




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