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melon salad…

the trio-de-de-salads melons2

autumn Wings

The cold that s & rsquo; installs permanently

Do not stop my flights

Continue blithely

Their greedy merry way

D & rsquo; summer,

They became autumn

Autumn !!!

Beautiful colors in the & rsquo; year

Season-rich products

That allows me to continue

To offer

Colorful delights

originals, quick to make …

Simply delicious.

BN Nath

The 16/10/2016


Read here the thread of my summer flights








The Charentais melon was once again the star of our tables this summer. Galia melon, on the other hand, un fruit around, orange-beige skin, with finely embroidered bark and beautiful tender green flesh, was ignored by many. When I talk about it around me, I am asked : « The Spanish melon ? I never think of buying it !!! ». Indeed, the spanish variety of melon, shaped like a rugby ball and with juicy flesh, is as powerless to impose itself on our plate as the Galia. The latter, however, has a watery flesh, subtly sweet, very fragrant, which can be enjoyed as a starter or dessert.





The type of melon most cultivated in France since the second half of the 20th century is the Cavaillon or Charentais melon. : fruits around, approximately one kilogram, precocious, orange flesh, furrowed, sweet and fragrant. This is not the melon traditionally cultivated in Provence which can be seen illustrations eg on postcards Cavaillon market in the late nineteenth century. It is not described under this name in “le Vilmorin”, reference book ; however the description of the variety “melon of 28 days” gets closer. It would seem that a young farmer of the Cavaillon area either went into military service in the years to Charentes 1920, he noticed a local variety and has reported seeds in his hometown. This melon has adapted and adopted first by the producers of the Cavaillon area then the whole of France, hence the “Charentais de Cavaillon melon”.

January February 2014


Directeur de recherche à l’INRA Avignon

Membre du comité de rédaction de Jardins de France


Je vous propose des salades variées à base de melon

Issues de mon imagination

En ébullition


Je commence par la salade de duo de melons aux copeaux de parmesan (dédiée aux Afapeuses 🙂 )




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