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Chicken off the cuff (Chicken thighs baked ZESOK)



Hello Dear All and All,


I am pleased to announce a partnership in the long term with a small brand that will become great, ZESOK, home spices to not name.




Yes, the Cameroonian original founder of this structure and I knew interposed by social media and WE EAT AFRICA festival was an opportunity for us to meet us, talk to us, the opportunity to confront our entrepreneurial visions, our projects and our actions.

ZESOK, which means spice in Baham, a dialect of the great bamiléké family is the name Joel TAMO, the initiator of the company gave its entity in existence since July 2017.




Joel lived in Germany for ten years. This is a Computer Engineer, specifically a Senior SAP Analyst. This lover of the beautiful products of his country, Cameroon, was particularly interested in spices that make the reputation of this state's rich agricultural diversity, where one of the explanations for the name "Africa in miniature". It is also curious of all the treasures that abound in other African countries.

Joel has thus asked how to turn, enhance and sustain these amazing spices which his country and Africa in general abound while retaining their original flavors.

ZESOK is born of the mission to create a flavor full spice blends, to allow both classic and original kitchen, fast or complex, and always healthy.

ZESOK is also a women. Thus Joel, developed, with the help of his sister, spice mixtures based on recipes from her aunts and her maternal grandmother. This transmission of knowledge and the family ambition touched me, interpelée and seduced. It is as if someone materialize one of the passions of my late Mom, marriage of flavors of our beautiful spices and make them ready to cook.

ZESOK has quickly distinguished itself in the ecosystem of the deli, with its offer ready for use , particularly with Suya Mix, inspired the Cameroon street braiseurs.




A tour on the website convinced me to accept this first collaboration on the long term.

Indeed, ZESOK the products are no preservatives, no additives, sans glutamate, gluten free and vegan compatible

To seal the partnership between ZESOK and Wings GOURMET, Joel and I have prepared for you a great offer :

  • A discount coupon 10 % named Wings
  • For purchases of a minimum of 10 euros
  • Valid from 15 August 30 November 2018 included
  • Usable 1 one time
  • Can not be combined with any other current offers
  • Field to complete and validate before paying titled PROMO CODE




So, your keyboards, loans and order !!!

appointment on !!!




As you probably know, I like spices, herbs and all natural herbs which perfume healthily my kitchen or my pastry. Some of my interventions in this direction in the media find below :


Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)
Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)


I present as a raw delicacy of this beautiful collaboration with and ZESOK, a simple recipe, original, Quick to realize the image of those that we will share for months. This cooking allows us to have a crispy chicken on the outside and tender on the inside. In 30 minutes, without rest, and without having to start your kitchen the day before, you can have in the mouth a festival of flavors. Follow me to a chicken on the fly !!!



Chicken off the cuff (Chicken thighs baked Zésok)


For 4 to 8 people

Preparation time : 5 minutes

Cooking time : 30 minutes


What you need

– 8 chicken thighs

– 1 tablespoon SUYA MIX *

– 3 tablespoons of water + 2 other for icebreaking

– 2 tablespoons neutral oil (sunflower, colza, peanut…)

- Salt (optional), focus spice mixture is already salty



Preparation of the recipe

- Preheat oven to 250 ° (convection)

- Clean the chicken, even if it is bought in trays and wash

- Place the pieces in a large baking dish

- Make incisions (2) on each side of the thighs

- Season the chicken with SUYA MIX

- Working by hand to evenly distribute and rub seasonings

- Add water and oil

- Bake for 25 mn

- Remove the dish from the oven and turn the chicken pieces

Return to oven grill option in the flat for about 5 mn à 230 °

It's ready !!!

- Serve the chicken thighs as is, or with a good mashed sweet potato with walnut oil, a fresh salad Noires Crimean garlic and basil from the garden, a fresh bowl, Other salads, grilled vegetables in the oven ou encore ce que vous voulez 😉 😉 Je fais confiance à votre imagination et vous prie de nous raconter vos envolées gourmandes avec cette proposition culinaire…


– La recette vous a plu ? So, inscrivez-vous sur la liste de diffusion du blog lyrique et gourmand et parlez-en autour de vous et laissez -nous un commentaire, (see below ), cela nous encouragera et nous fera plaisir 😉 , thank you !!!


Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)
Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)


Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)
Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)


Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)
Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)


Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)
Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)




Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)
Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)


Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)
Chicken legs at short notice (Chicken baked ZESOK)



Tips / advice / variants

*Vous pouvez déglacer le fond de poulet pour avoir un peu jus. Eau, sauce soja, jus de citron…éclatez-vous !!! For my part, I added 2 tablespoons of water and have all deposits detached flat.

*Deglaze, c & rsquo; is pouring a liquid in a dish in which it comes to baking or roasting meat, to dissolve the cooking juices caramelized which remained stuck in the bottom of the pan or saucepan. The goal is to have a more flavorful juice that will accompany and flavor your meat.

*The followers of the barbecue are not forgotten. Soon a great recipe for you ...

* Les ingrédients qui composent le SUYA MIX

chilli pepper
Poivre de Guinée).





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