Collaborations,  Envolées lyriques,  Missives goûteuses,  Go gourmands

Heart stroke (Gourmet-Restaurant Les Magnolias)

first published, the 29 June 2016



Hello Dear All,

I share with you my first stride tasty, a ride out of my kitchen ...

the Magnolias

Here is the section

So long empty

That I will perform greedy

My greedy hikes, lyrical and playful.

I want and tell you about a restaurant

Who holds its own

A house that deserves fame

A haven that deserves its name.

Magnolias ...

Offering us dishes

Both tasty and delicate.

Magnolias at the end of winter

Are covered with spectacular flowers.

The restaurant meanwhile, in all seasons

Offers delicious home cooking.

The chef creates remarkable blooms

Flavors from here and elsewhere

Que je pourrais déclamer jusqu’à l’oraison.

Je mets un terme à ma péroraison

Qui se veut poétique à tort ou à raison

Et je continue de parler sans rimes et sans combinaisons

De ce lieu pour qui, je l’avoue, j’ai une inclination…


Yes, Les Magnolias sont avant tout une histoire d’inclinations, d’inclinaisons

Yes, le reflet d’une multitude d’histoires d’amour


Amour du Chef pour son métier

Pierre Henri Morel qui a fait ses classes dans de grandes maisons (Le Crillon, Le Plaza Athénée…) déroule ici, with the support of a dynamic and dedicated team, all its inventiveness

and its technical.


Chief of love for exceptional suppliers, mostly local players, chosen for the quality of their products.


Love Mickaël Sommelier and staff for their institution and their clients

I loved the staging of the service that allows, without overdoing it, to announce, to state the details of the dishes, discreet eagerness to provide me with homemade bread (a delight),

to remove crumbs from the table ... The attentions appreciated for express menu 39 euros, which does not break the bank for work of this class.


Love between a father and son

It's a real duo that leads this establishment. Indeed, the father, former hotel,

chose d & rsquo; accompany his son in the recovery of this prestigious address and meet with him the challenge of gourmet restaurants.

Mr. Morel father, available, smiling, is a great man exquisite and cultivated, with whom I have had great pleasure to discuss things and others

Mr. morel, you talk about the kitchen of your son with stars in their eyes, and you're not alone ...


Finally, elegant without being intimidating, the restaurant combines classicism and modernity

Temporary exhibitions whose works fit perfectly into the decor are offered regularly

A second hefty room is available for business meetings or family events


To discover without delay

If you want to splurge !!!



BN Nath

The 27/06/2016



My menu 39 euros (Photos)


A green tea red fruit and sweets (extra)

The dish

King Prawns with Citrus Perfume / White asparagus fricassee of M. Clot / Condiments papaya tart


creamy Avocado & Mango / light biscuit yoghurt / sorbet Lawyer


Amuse bouche
Amuse bouche


Emulsion beluga lentils and sapling chard
Emulsion beluga lentils and sapling chard


The homemade bread cereals
The homemade bread cereals
The homemade bread cereals
The homemade bread cereals













King Prawns with Citrus Scents fricassee White asparagus M. Clot
King Prawns with Citrus Fragrance
White asparagus fricassee of M. Condiments clot papaya tart
King Prawns with Citrus Scents fricassee White asparagus M. Clot and puree, potato puree
King Prawns with Citrus Fragrance
White asparagus fricassee of M. Clot, Condiments Papaya puree and sour, potato puree











King Prawns with Citrus Scents fricassee White asparagus M. Clot
King Prawns with Citrus Fragrance
White asparagus fricassee of M. Clot, Condiments papaya tart


White asparagus fricassee of M. Clot, Condiments papaya tart
King Prawns with Citrus Fragrance
White asparagus fricassee of M. Clot
Condiments papaya tart


creamy Avocado & Mango, Light Biscuit yogurt sorbet Lawyer
creamy Avocado & Mango, Biscuit light yogurt
Avocado sorbet
creamy Avocado & Mango, Light Biscuit yogurt sorbet Lawyer
creamy Avocado & Mango, Biscuit light yogurt
Avocado sorbet











creamy Avocado & Mango, Light Biscuit yogurt sorbet Lawyer
creamy Avocado & Mango, Light Biscuit yogurt sorbet Lawyer


creamy Avocado & Mango, Light Biscuit yogurt sorbet Lawyer
creamy Avocado & Mango, Biscuit light yogurt
Avocado sorbet


creamy Avocado & Mango, Light Biscuit yogurt sorbet Lawyer
creamy Avocado & Mango, Biscuit light yogurt
Avocado sorbet


creamy Avocado & Mango, Light Biscuit yogurt sorbet Lawyer
creamy Avocado & Mango, Biscuit light yogurt
Avocado sorbet (the greedy slaughter!!!)



creamy Avocado & Mango, Light Biscuit yogurt sorbet Lawyer (It was really good !!!)
creamy Avocado & Mango, Biscuit light yogurt
Avocado sorbet (It was really good !!!)












Tea time (extra)
Tea time (extra)
Tea time (extra)
Tea time (extra)












the Magnolias

48, Avenue de Bry

94170 Nogent Sur Marne (Val de Marne)

Phone : 01 48 72 47 43

schedule :

Lunch : from 12 am to 13:30 (from Tuesday to Friday)

Having dinner : 19h to 21h30 (from Tuesday to Saturday)

PS: All photos of & rsquo; article were taken by me in the restaurant Magnolias




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