The vegetable garden to the plate,  Légumes,  Plats principaux,  Vegetarian recipes

Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man

Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man Photo 11
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man Photo 12







Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man

The lasagna is a consistent and complete dish consisting of successive layers of pasta, de sauces, Meat, vegetables or other compositions.

Lasagna recipes abound, the best known, Bolognese, hails from the city of Bologna in Italy.

Nowadays, the cookers, everywhere in the world, amateurs or not give free rein to their imagination. Thus are offered lasagne fish, sheep,in & rsquo; lamb, the poultry, aux fruits de mer etc…

Three weeks ago, the 29 October, Valentin, a very young young reader asked me a lasagna recipe. My answer was this one :

« As for lasagna, I had not planned revenue in 3 months, but I think that Valentine for you, I'll try to cook up something good, not immediately, but not in 3 me neither. »

As promised and accepted, chose due.

Here is a recipe of my own, designed and prepared especially for this gentleman to become ...

Here zucchini and garden thyme, even vegetables, cheeses, and other good things ...

So put yourself at the table with a good appetite and Valentin ... !


Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man Photo 2
Lasagna-zucchini-squash-tomato-thyme-emmental and mozzarella
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man Photo 1








Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man Photo 3
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man Photo 4








Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man Photo 5
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man Photo 6








Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man Photo 7
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man Photo 8








Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man

For 4 to 8 people

Preparation time : 30 minutes

Cooking time : 40 minutes

What you need

– 220 g of tomato puree

– 2 medium tomatoes

– 1 large tomato beef heart

– 250 g d’emmental

– 125 g de mozzarella

– 1 yellow onion

– 2 courgettes (those here in the garden)

– Half d & rsquo; potimarron

– 8 lasagna plates without precooking

– Thyme (of the garden)

– Salt

– Pepper

– Olive oil


Preparation of the recipe

– Preheat oven to 200 °

– Wash zucchini, dry them and cut them thinly lengthwise

– Peel the pumpkin and cut into strips

– Bake for previously salted vegetables 10 to 12 minutes. They are very lightly toasted ends. (Photo 1)

– Oil a baking dish (No photo)

– Spread a layer of tomato puree (approximately 1/3 of 220 g) then 4 plates of lasagna (No photo)

– Sprinkle with Emmentaler (a 1/4) (No photo) Carefully align the courgettes in the dish (Photo 2)

– Add the strips of pumpkin (Photo 3) and another layer of Emmental (a 1/4) (No photo)

– Lay the pieces of beef heart tomatoes, not forgetting to add salt and pepper (No photo)

– Putting 4 other plates of lasagna and pour over the remaining tomato puree (the 2/3) (Photo 4)

– Add the washers 2 medium tomatoes (Photo 5)

– Generously sprinkle with fresh thyme, salt and pepper mozzarella cut into slices (Photo 6)

– Ask onion rings (Photo 7)

– Top with remaining Emmental (Photo 8)

– Bake at 150 ° for the 25 first minute, the dish covered with foil and * 15 minutes without (convection)

– Remove the dish from the oven and drizzle with olive oil and flavored with thyme Nature, 1 to 2 spoonfuls to taste. 5 (Photos 9,10,11,12)

It's good !!!!!

Try and keep me informed of your culinary flights of fancy ...


Tips / advice / variants

* This dish is soft, melting in the mouth (unanimous opinion at home)

Indeed, pasta plates, protected tomato, la mozzarella, onion and emmental, and the aluminum foil, have time to stew, slowly, all without drying and exhaling the aroma of different foods and products.

*You do not have fresh thyme ? That & rsquo; Never mind, dried, you find on the market will do nicely. Indeed, most plants are best used fresh, but are dried to be eaten throughout the year.

Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man Photo 9
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man
Lasagna with grilled vegetables for a young man Photo 10








Ps: receipts can be printed without photos. L & rsquo; icon is left of those social networks, at the end of each article. Thank you



  • Nathou

    hello, tonight I have my boys for dinner and I went to pick some Puiseux Pontoise. What a pleasure to pick fresh vegetables before cooking them. Green beans galore, heirloom tomatoes, colorful and tasty aubergines.
    Nathou's recipe lasagna with eggplant instead of pumpkin.
    Thank you Nathalie for your great ideas……I'll give you a conclusion.

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath

      Nothing better than fresh fruits and vegetables. Don't forget to send me a nice photo of your dish for the new section of the blog which will finally see the light of day in a while. Thank you. It warms the heart to know that you are supported in your new activity.. Bon appétit par anticipation aux jeunes hommes 🙂 !!!

  • Valerie NM

    I have seen several times make lasagna but were afraid to take the plunge.
    Ta lasagna makes you want, makes me salivate.
    Will I find the motivation to start me?
    I feel like this will my first lasagna with grilled vegetables.

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath

      Go ahead my friend !!!
      To remove your last reluctance, if I told you that for me it is also a great first?
      Yes, I had never cooked lasagne and the young Valentin kindly put to the test. Il m’a demandé de lui réaliser une plat original.J’avais toujours mangé des lasagnes à la viande de bœuf.
      J’ai donc décidé d’en faire une aux légumes dont j’aime les couleurs et aux fromages seulement. Pour sortir des sentiers battus, j’ai en plus grillé les légumes au four.
      eh yes , Valérie, il faut bien une première fois. Allez Valérie, Come on, Valérie ….

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      laChef Culinairequel grand titre, n’avait jamais, avant cette recette concoctée pour Valentin, fait de lasagnes.
      C’est un peu long, mais le résultat en vaut la chandelle. Merci à Laurie (dont j’espère toujours un commentaire sur le site) de t’encourager à réaliser ce plat. Elle a fait cette recette dont elle a partagé les photos sur Facebook.

  • Pope

    Alors que dire si ce n’est que j’ai eu un problème de cuisson. Difficile car il semblerait que nous n’avons pas le même four 🙂
    Heureusement que je cuisine quotidiennement et donc j’ai pu rectifier la cuisson. Le plat est plutôt bon et original. Il nous a permis de manger sans viande. Moi perso, j’aime beaucoup les légumes. Mes enfants préfèrent la lasagne avec la viande hachée. Forcément, ils ne sont pas fan de végétaux ! Ils ont trouvé l’idée de mettre de la mozzarella intéressante et meilleur que la béchamel. Ils ont bien mangé en définitive. Heureusement ! car c’est du boulot, tout de même, une lasagne ! Ps : J’ai utilisé des plaques fraîches.

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      Qu’as-tu eu comme problème de cuisson? Oui ce qui est sûr, c’est que nous n’avons pas le même four 🙂 🙂 🙂
      C’est pourquoi lorsque j’y pense, I give approximate and precise cooking time they are adjusted according to each oven.
      The essential? The recipe rained. The most reluctant vegetable agreed to try this recipe.
      Today, I made a nice lasagna dish with fresh plates this time. The recipe will be in a few days on the blog.

  • Mélanie

    Here's a recipe whose title can not qu'interpeller!
    I'm not a young man but how to resist the call of this lasagna that looks both melting and crispy? The photos are excellent and put the mouth water. I can not wait to test this dish that can only be delicious.
    We will have now to upload a recipe for young women to avoid jealousy!

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      You described very well this lasagna for a young man. Indeed, it really is both melting and crispy and try, it is to adopt.
      Thank you for your compliments about the photos, Late passion if any, (since September 2015), but very compelling and exhilarating!
      Do not hesitate to test the recipe and tell us your culinary and gourmet flights. I quickly put online a recipe for a young woman, to avoid jealousy!

  • Jennifer and Valentin

    A very big thank you for this wonderful recipe lasagna. And what a good idea to have chosen to prepare the vegetables because it is quite suitable for Valentin who is a handball in the making. The vegetables are so important and yet I have trouble he eats. But inside lasagna specially concocted in his honor, he is very happy to prepare and eat.
    As soon as possible we start in the kitchen and the current one takes you.
    See you soon and thank you again !

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath

      Jennifer and Valentin,

      I am delighted that the handball become (which I knew nothing) adopts the recipe I made with him in mind. Valentin, I also tell you a big thank you because thanks to you, j’ai préparé une lasagne pour la première fois de ma vie. Comme quoi, on apprend à tout âge. Now, je n’arrête pas de décliner les lasagnes àtoutes saucesau grand plaisir de ma maisonnée!
      Jennifer and Valentin, dès que vous vous mettez au fourneaux, tenez-nous au courant de vos envolées culinaires.

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