Around ...,  Desserts,  The vegetable garden to the plate,  Pastry,  Lactose free

Alliance of dark chocolate and pumpkin

Bonsoir à Toutes et Tous



To remove fear

To cope with pain

For you, few sweets…

Sweetness 2

Alliance of dark chocolate and pumpkin (cake)





Chocolate-dark chocolate-pumpkin-vanilla-cake
Alliance of dark chocolate and pumpkin
Chocolate-dark chocolate-pumpkin-vanilla-cake
Alliance of dark chocolate and pumpkin







Alliance of dark chocolate and pumpkin



For 8 pieces of cake

Preparation time : 15 minutes

Cooking time : 35 minutes

What you need

– 250/300 g pumpkin cut into small pieces

– 205 g dark chocolate (a plate)

– 200 g of organic wheat flour

– 200 g butter

– 150 g sugar

– 3 eggs

– 2 tablespoons vanilla flavor

– 1 baking powder


Preparation of the recipe

Préchauffer le four à 190°

– Microwaveable, soften in the same vessel, butter and chocolate coarsely chopped

– In a salad bowl, mix thoroughly eggs, sugar, the flour and baking powder

– Add the butter and chocolate, mix well, then add the pumpkin and vanilla flavor

– Arrange in a buttered pan and bake for 35 mn à 190° (convection oven)


Tips / advice / variants

* Vous pouvez saupoudrer le gâteau de sucre glace ou de poudre de baobab.


See also Fluffy wedding apple and pumpkin and her sail honey and Velvety fruit stalls.



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