Around ...,  Desserts,  The vegetable garden to the plate

Fluffy wedding apple and pumpkin and her sail honey

Bonsoir à Toutes et Tous

To remove fear

To cope with pain

For you, few sweets…


Sweetness 1

Fluffy wedding apple and pumpkin and her sail honey (cake)

Fluffy wedding apple and pumpkin and her sail honey
Fluffy wedding apple and pumpkin and her sail honey
Fluffy wedding apple and pumpkin and her sail honey

For 6 to 8 pieces of cake

Preparation time : 20 minutes

Cooking time : 30 minutes

What you need

– A quarter of a medium pumpkin or about 250 to 300 g (diced)

– 2 pommes golden (sliced ​​or diced)

– 150 g sugar

– 1 vanilla sugar package

– 3 eggs

– 1/2 packet of baking powder

– 200 g de farine de blé bio ou 230 de farine de manioc

– 1/2 glass & rsquo; rapeseed oil (or sunflower) or 125 g butter

– Of honey


Réalisation de la recette

Préchauffer le four à 190°C

Battre les œufs entiers dans un saladier avec les sucres

– Gently stir in flour, to avoid lumps, and the yeast

– Add the soft butter or oil. (For this recipe, I used rapeseed oil)

– Mix all ingredients, then add the apples and pumpkin cut into small pieces

– Put in a buttered pan and bake for about 30 min at 190 ° C. (convection oven)

Vérifier le cœur du gâteau avec un couteau, if it appears clean and dry, the cake is cooked

– Drizzle generously with honey

Enjoy your meal


Tips / advice / variants

* The cake is even better the next day, go figure !

* Threesomes Apple / Pear / Pumpkin (bientôt).


Fluffy wedding apple and pumpkin and her sail honey


Fluffy wedding apple and pumpkin and her sail honey







See also Cream of market stalls and Alliance of dark chocolate and pumpkin



  • CHristine

    Coucou Madame,
    Je vais essayé cette recette ce WE, pas sur que les petits enfants aiment le mélange potiron/pommes je vais controurner leurs craintes et faire de cette dégustation un jeu de découverte

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath

      Coucou Christine,

      So, comment s’est passé l’expérience pommes/potiron le week-end dernier? Le jeu de découverte a-t-il eu un franc succès?
      Tu as apaisé les craintes de tes petits-enfants?
      Raconte-nous tout!
      Dis à Claire que je l’attends toujours sur le blog.
      Thank you for your support (Inscription à la newsletter, comments, encouragements…)

  • Mother Nivet !!!

    Hum … desserts … So I see the head of my daughters telling them the word Pumpkin !!! But I am sure that with the apple that must be delicious. And desserts that knows me (I am a sweet gourmet !!). I do not know if you remember a chocolate pear charlotte … Anyway I like it …. Always GREAT pictures that put the mouth water…. In addition your income is not too long preparation time or too difficult.
    Thank you to Nathalie you … BISOUS

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath

      Mother Nivet,

      Always present, always encourage me and compliment me. I'll end up having a big head !!! 🙂
      As for recipes, I'm glad you marked by simplicity. For, me, it's a real compliment.
      Indeed, and I constantly say and write, my recipes are meant simple, colorful, original and tasty.
      For your daughters, Reduce the proportion of pumpkin (15Og Max weight) and especially cut it very finely.( I love seeing large pieces of orange in my cakes).
      Then add 1 small apple or half a large golden.
      Also replaces honey (they do not like), by fishery or apricot jam.
      You mention the chocolate pear charlotte Clotilde or another?
      I hope my photos will continue to bring you the mouth watering. Thank you, thank you for everything…

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      J’adore, mixtures, the surprising weddings, original alliances, the amazing diversions, combinations of all kinds.
      Yes, I try, je test, I taste, I try and I'm not afraid to dare. I'm having a lot of fun. Test, tests and hold me, like us aware of your culinary flights
      Thank you

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