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Five shades of purple ...

Red cabbage-beetroot-red onion-figs-grapes-mustard
Five shades of purple
Red cabbage-beetroot-red onion-figs-grapes-mustard
Five shades of purple
Red cabbage-beetroot-red onion-figs-grapes-mustard
Five shades of purple
Red cabbage-beetroot-red onion-figs-grapes-mustard
Five shades of purple
Red cabbage-beetroot-red onion-figs-grapes-mustard
Five shades of purple
Red cabbage-beetroot-red onion-figs-grapes-mustard
Five shades of purple
Red cabbage-beetroot-red onion-figs-grapes-mustard
Five shades of purple
Red cabbage-beetroot-red onion-figs-grapes-mustard
Five shades of purple

Five shades of purple ...

Vous voulez cinquante nuances de gris ?

Then read the book, the famous manuscript ...

Or look up

To heaven one day in December

Or until, sometimes rainy foggy ...

I invite you as for me

Serve vegetables of good quality

I invite you as for me

A preferred five shades of purple

Enjoy it on your plate

This wonderful recipe

All elegant and refined shades

Make delicacy and serenity

Finesse and velvety

Saveurs et goût assurés !

Enjoy your meal

The 06 and 09/12/2015

BN Nath


Five shades of purple

For 4 to 8 people

Preparation time : 20 minutes

Cooking time : cru

What you need

– ¼ de chou rouge (violet)

– 1 large red onion (violet)

– 4 small beets (those here in the garden)

– 6 figs

– 1 muscat grape cluster

For the sauce

– 3 tablespoons mustard

– 4 tablespoons of vinegar flavored wine with raspberry juice

– 5 tablespoons of hazelnut oil

– A pinch of salt


Preparation of the recipe

– In a serving dish, place alternately

– Finely chopped cabbage

– Beets and, the sliced ​​onions

– Figs cut in half lengthwise

– The grapes previously washed

– Dresser and cover the vegetables and fruit sauce


It is good, crisp, savoureux !!!!!


Try and keep me informed of your culinary flights of fancy ...


Tips / advice / variants

* Feel free to vary the oils and vinegars



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