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Small fruit kebabs

Dessert / Brunch / Snacks / Special Leclerc Gonesse

Small fruit kebabs
Small fruit kebabs

Small fruit kebabs

Small fruit kebabs
Small fruit kebabs

This dessert is pretty to look at ,

Chews Wisely

Easy to perform

Vitamin and light !!!

BN Nath





Small fruit kebabs
Small fruit kebabs


Small fruit kebabs
Small fruit kebabs


Small fruit kebabs
Small fruit kebabs









For 20 small skewers

Preparation : 15 minutes

Baking : cru


What you need

– Melon (1/4)

– Strawberry (5 beautiful)

– Kiwi (3 ripe and firm)

– 20 toothpicks


Small fruit kebabs
Small fruit kebabs


Small fruit kebabs
Small fruit kebabs


Small fruit kebabs
Small fruit kebabs



Preparation of the recipe

– Cut ¼ melon 5 equally in the direction of the length and the width

– Cut the strawberries, washed prior to, in 4 parts each. 2 in length, then in 2 in the widthwise direction

– Peel the kiwis. Cut into 2 in length, then each of the pieces 4. 1 kiwi = 8 equal pieces

– Thread fruit alternating on toothpicks

Faire les autres brochettes sur le même modèle jusqu’à épuisement des fruits.

Les déposer dans un plat et les réserver au frais pendant au moins 1 hour (optional)

Au moment de servir, dresser et arroser de miel.


Small fruit kebabs
Small fruit kebabs


Tips / advice / variants

* Le miel peut être remplacé par des sauces et autres coulis. (Chocolat, caramel au beurre salé, strawberry, orange…)

* Les combinaisons sont multiples selon les fruits dont on dispose (mango, pineapple, raisins de toutes les couleurs, watermelon, nectarine, banana, carambole, fishing…)


Small fruit kebabs
Small fruit kebabs




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