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Tomato sauces all


At MG.

Tomato sauces all

Tomato sauces all
Tomato sauces all



Voici un velouté de tomates qui accompagne tout : starchy foods, vegetables in all forms, meats, the fish, seafood, cereals… And the list is not exhaustive !

It is simple to make, with oven-roasted tomatoes and can be presented in several ways depending on the oils and aromatic herbs we have available. The sauce, quick to cook, has a beautiful nasturtium red color and is delicately scented.

Elle devait à l’origine être servie il y a deux mois déjà avec la recette sunny bream dish, tomato and basil ….avant de disparaître dans nos palais voraces sans la moindre photo pour l’immortaliser :-). Now, it's done.

Enjoy your meal,


Ps : The all white bowl from, has been (re)Candice decorated by ... View about us , from me…



Tomato sauces all
Tomato sauces all



For 4 to 6 people

Preparation : 5 minutes

Baking : 17 minutes


Tomato sauces all
Tomato sauces all


What you need

– 4 medium tomatoes

– 2 or 3 tablespoons d & rsquo; d & rsquo oil; olive

– Salt

– Pepper



Tomato sauces all
Tomato sauces all
Tomato sauces all
Tomato sauces all



Preparation of the recipe

– Preheat oven to 200 °

– Wash the tomatoes and remove the stalks

– Cut into 4 and place on baking paper

– Salt, pepper and bake

– 10 minutes at 200 ° (convection) then 7 minutes at 200 ° (grill)

– Remove the tomatoes from the oven and let stand 5 minutes so they cool

– The mixer as thinly as possible and adjust seasoning. (Please do not add water, tomato passed furnace produces enough !!!)

– Pour into serving bowl and add olive oil


Tomato sauces all
Tomato sauces all
Tomato sauces all
Tomato sauces all



Tomato sauces all
It's finish… It was really good !!!



Tips / advice / variants

* You can remove the skin that can hinder you if you do not have mixed finely tomatoes

* Do not hesitate to use herbs and scented oils

* Cette sauce peut aussi être servie dans des verrines en apéritif pour accompagner gressins, pains et autres bâtonnets de fruits et légumes

* At home, les enfants la dégustent avec du riz, des frites ou des pâtes sans viande, ni poisson. “C’est mieux que le ketchupdixit mon fils.


Romarin du jardin en fleur
Romarin du jardin en fleur





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