Envolées lyriques,  Missives goûteuses

C & rsquo; Back to school !

C & rsquo; Back to school !

Here I am, This new student blogs campus

Schoolbag heavier than ever

Here I am going up the steps of the uncertainty

Running through the corridors of apprehension

But which deviates from the hand doubt that invades me

Here I am pushing the door of all possible…

I had dreamed of an introduction full of poetry, grammatical and verbal flights, to welcome you on this blog.

More, between laboriously assimilated technical (et c’est un euphémisme 🙂 ), les discussions à n’en plus finir avec ma fille, many choices to make, to take pictures, les tutoriels recherchés furieusement sur la toile, the details of the intricacies of Wordpress requested Johan, untimely questions to Fred, my husband, woman's life, mother, d & rsquo; wife, d & rsquo; friend, sister, girl, My Commercial Framework, sleepless nights and cooking, it takes guts , the organization and patience, for any juggle.

Antoine-François Le Bailly, French Writer, author of fables expressed it more eloquently than I L’enfant et l’Anguille :


“Ne précipitons rien. Par trop d’impatience,

L’homme fait tous les jours avorter ses projets.

C’est le choix de moyens, c’est la persévérance,

Qui sont les garants du succès.”

So, I work hard and I learn to understand this new machinery to me, biting my brakes and my efforts to dose.

In addition, “Nothing great was accomplished in the world without passion”, n & rsquo; do-not???

I want this blog to be a friendly space that makes you want to connect to it regularly.

I informed a number of people from the launch site for 20 October 2015, and I want to keep my word.

There are of course still many details of polish, things to improve, refine, clay, refine, to perfect, Shaving, beautify ...

However, I know that with your help, your remarks, your comments, your suggestions, your corrections, we can only improve our common home.

So, Welcome to my home, Welcome home !!!

Thank you for being there yet ... And…

In your feathers ...





  • lifivi

    Bonsoir Nathalie, félicitations pour ce blog que je trouve très réussi. Je compte bien me régaler avec toutes ces recettes savoureuses. Bravo à l équipe de choc. See you soon

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      Je te remercie de t’être abonnée à la liste de diffusion du blog et de tous les compliments que tu nous fais 😉
      Candice, Lukas, Fred et moi-même sommes ravis que tu t’embarques avec nous dans cette aventure culinaire et lyrique qui nous l’espérons, durera longtemps.

  • Annie - Colette

    Bravo, bravo, bravo…
    La persévérance est l’une des clés de la réussite! Une fois de plus tu nous le prouves.
    Au regard de tout ton engagement, ton blog est un chef d’œuvre et donne vraiment envie. Les recettes sont simples et goûteuses. J’adore le concept des recettes prêtes en 8 min chrono! C’est indéniablement beau et bonon va se régaler!
    Well done to you again, à toute l’équipe!

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath

      Thank you, thank you, thank you
      My sister, mon amie, tu m’émeus aux larmes !!!
      Que de compliments enthousiastes. Je suis contente que le blog te plaise. J’attendais tellement tes commentaires que j’ai l’impression d’avoir retenu mon souffle tout ce temps
      Toute l’équipe accepte avec joie tes jolis mots et nous continuons à travailler avec la même passion pour concocter recettes, textes et idées.
      L’envolée familiale ” continue…

  • jennifer

    Bienvenu à ce nouveau blog et bravo à nath la bloggeuse novice!
    Avec Valentin on a déjà envie de cuisiner rien qu’en regardant les magnifiques photos!
    Il attend avec impatience une recette pour préparer de succulentes lasagnes, alors merci d’avance!

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath

      Jennifer, Valentin,

      Avec des lecteurs aussi positifs que vous, les novices ne peuvent que grandir et s’améliorer. Je vous remercie de votre soutien plein d’entrain. As for lasagna, I had not planned revenue in 3 months, but I think that Valentine for you, I'll try to cook up something good, not immediately, but not in 3 me neither. Waiting, découvre d’autres recettes sur le blog comme ces tagliatelles de courgettes et leur boeuf haché à la menthe. Thank you

  • Oumar SOW

    Congratulations on this blog. Working pro whatsoever in the content, as in the visual and photos as we take in the view! It lacks the smell of the delicious dishes. Roll on the next recipes!! This site is to consult without moderation.
    Congratulations to the strong team to design the site and good luck for the future!

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      Que de compliments ! Come on, we do not spoil our fun. More seriously, we are pleased that the concept, ideas, the site's overall appearance, its bottom and its form like. As for the smell of dishes, c’est une idée à creuser 🙂
      All “Team” joins me in saying thank you for your support, recommend our website without moderation. Thank you, thank you and thank you again…

  • Virginia


    For “new student”, you succeed there a stunt ! I am blown away, and delighted to discover what holds you over and over for weeks.
    Bravo, this blog is “HIGHLY-FAÏQUE” Looks like some evaluator…
    I must now prepare to try and succeed the revenues photos make me the mouth water when I've dined… Yum !

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      The “new student” really intimidated by this universe she does not know, and she discovered apprehensively. It there's little, elle était encore au lycée 🙂 Mais elle s’y jette avec passion et gourmandise. In addition, with such enthusiastic support than you, the newcomer feels grow wings ! It is you who is "MAGNI-FAÏQUE" Thank, thank you and thank you again

  • Pope

    Your blog is very nice. I want to discover the topics under construction, so strongly later. You write very well, is your certain strength. Photos are successful, they make you want. Congratulations to your daughter for artwork, sober and cheerful. Good success with this surge family !

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      I love the name that you gave to this adventure blog: family soaring ! It's so pretty and already inspires me some ideas! Thank you for the compliments on my writing, they go straight to my heart, and on the quality of photos, result of my intense passion although late. My daughter enjoys the sweet words for it.

  • Pope

    Your blog is very nice. I want to discover the topics under construction, so strongly later. You write very well, is your certain strength. Photos are successful, they make you want. Congratulations to your daughter for artwork, sober and cheerful. Good success with this surge family !

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      I love the name that you gave to this adventure blog: family soaring ! It's so pretty and already inspires me some ideas! Thank you for the compliments on my writing, they go straight to my heart, and on the quality of photos, result of my intense passion although late. My daughter enjoys the sweet words for it.

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