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Candice Delights (Increasing the morning or afternoon and stewed express)


Une journée d’avril entre filles


– Mom, can you help me finish these kiwis ? They are too mature to let again, with other fruits.



– really ? (I palpated). Yes, you're right, they are really soft. But we're still not going to eat all that fruit without leaving a trace. !!!



– Hmm…Mom, I'm sure you'll come up with an original idea to keep as a souvenir. (The silence is done)– eh yes ! I knew it, you have an idea, your eyes are shining, brillent …



C’est vrai que je vois bien ces quatre-là associés à cette mangue qui est aussi dans le même état qu’eux. Laisse-moi faire …



– Mom ?


Oui mon coeur?


Tu diras sur le blog que je t’ai inspiré cette recette que je ne connais pas encore, ok ?


– Yes, sure (tout sourire)

Enjoy your meal

Une journée d’avril entre filles

BN Nath




Candice Delights (Increasing the morning or afternoon and stewed express)
Candice Delights (Increasing the morning or afternoon and stewed express)


Inspiration: Candice B.


Candice Delights (Increasing the morning or afternoon and stewed express)


Les croissants


Candice Delights (Increasing the morning or afternoon and stewed express)
Candice Delights (Increasing the morning or afternoon and stewed express)


The 11 mars 2018

Avec mon nouveau four tout neuf

Temps 15 minutes

Température 220°


For 6 people

Preparation : 5 minutes

Baking : 10 minutes


What you need

– 1 pâte feuilletée toute prête

– 1 œuf mélangé à une cuillère à soupe d’eau

– 1 plaquette de chocolat noir pâtissier



Preparation of the recipe

Préchauffer votre four à 180° (convection)

Dérouler la pâte feuilletée et la découper en 12 parts en forme de triangles.


Pâte feuilletée divisée en 12 parts
Pâte feuilletée divisée en 12 parts 🙂


– Arrange on each triangle, at the extremities, on the widest part, two pieces of chocolate,

– Wrap each triangle on itself starting from the outside and going towards the center

– Squeeze the two ends and turn them over on themselves to obtain the shape of a crescent
– Arrange your mini croissants on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper
– Brush the tops of your croissants with the egg (beat in omelette) mixed with a tablespoon of water so that they brown when cooked.

– Bake at 180 °, pendant 10 minutes

– Wait until the croissants have cooled down a bit to taste them !!!


Tips / advice / variants

* You can replace the chocolate with pieces of firm fruit.



Mango and kiwi
Mango and kiwi


Express compote (kiwi mangrove)


For 6 people

Preparation : 3 minutes

Baking : 10 minutes


What you need

– 1 very ripe mango

– 4 kiwis mous

– 1 /2 teaspoon of cinnamon


Express compote
Express compote



Preparation of the recipe

– Wash the mango

– Gently peel the fruits and cut them into large pieces.

– In a non-stick pan, place the fruits

– Bring to a boil for 9 about min, stirring constantly

– Add the ½ teaspoon of cinnamon and remove from the heat, a square of salted butter

– It's smooth and so good !!!

Express compote
Express compote


Tips / advice / variants

* It is a compote of which you can make variants according to the fruits you have. It accompanies sweet and savory starches, vegetables, meat and fish. So, don't throw away your soggy fruit !!!

* If you don't have very soft fruit and still want to make this compote, couper les fruits en brunoise (dés), ou encore mixer les fruits grossièrement et adjoindre à la préparation 1 cuillère à soupe d’eau.


Candice Delights (Increasing the morning or afternoon and stewed express)
Candice Delights (Increasing the morning or afternoon and stewed express)





  • Valerie NM

    And this is how to have a great day: starting with a good breakfast.
    Kiwis for vitamin C and mango for the sun which is not always at the meeting.
    To test while I'm on vacation, without forgetting the croissants.
    Thank you Candice for suggesting the ingredients and therefore inspiring the recipe .
    The fruit does not fall far from the tree: you confirm it my darling

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