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sunny bream dish, tomato and basil


The now or never

sunny bream dish, tomato and basil




This recipe is for you

To tell you that your passion

For baking in all seasons

Is incompatible in any way

With cooking and tasting

From a tasty and good food.

To show you that the fish

Can be simple, Quick and easy to cook

While remaining tasty and simply delicious

Yes, a festive dish to taste without asking questions !!!

BN Nath

The 18/12/2015

sunny bream dish, tomato and basil

sunny bream dish, tomato and basil


For 2 to 4 people

Preparation : 10 minutes (Dressage)

Baking : 25 minutes (bream fillets with garlic oven and basil olive oil + grilled baked tomatoes flavored with olive oil and basil)


What you need

– 2 bream fillets with garlic oven and basil olive oil (bream fillets in the oven, garlic and basil olive oil)

– Oven roasted tomatoes flavored with olive oil and basil (grilled baked tomatoes flavored with olive oil and basil)

– Fresh basil

sunny bream dish, tomato and basil


Preparation of the recipe

Arrange nicely on individual plates without omitting any of the items on each plate (bream, citron, tomato, onion, basil)

– Sprinkle with basil leaves

– Drizzle olive oil flavored with basil


Tips / advice / variants

* related recipes

grilled baked tomatoes flavored with olive oil and basil

bream fillets with garlic oven and basil olive oil

Mayonnaise house want you in here


* This dish is full, dietetic, colorful and absolutely stunning !!!

* You can serve your guests a homemade mayonnaise (Mayonnaise house want you in here) and full grain bread

* These recipes although related, can dissociate from each other and be made and consumed autonomously

sunny bream dish, tomato and basil

Happy Holidays !!!!

sunny bream dish, tomato and basil



  • Porquier

    J have tested this dish yesterday with guests very refined taste.
    J have thought of passing a higher education examination.
    They admired and appreciated the presentation. …Lemon mixture …onion and grilled tomato was the originality of the dish….which gave the fish a tasty and delicious taste. ….Then came the step of comparing my flat and photo blog that they were all on their phones. …..I n apparently had not complied with the provision of vegetables and fish….you had all the merits. …Bravo! My sea bream fillets were thin…therefore drier…..and cooked well in advance……. (to correct for next time)
    When it was at his table as a guest M.G…….s must expect everything!!!
    So….Nathalie…..according M.G….mayonnaise n no place in this succulent .a little tomato sauce recipe will make the case ….in any case…we spent a good evening . Thank you again for your ideas and creations. ….increasingly popular

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      I think you're, since the launch of the blog 20 October 2015, the person who most tried recipes.
      You reproduce them exactly where you adapted to the tastes of your house or the products you willing.
      You never miss to get me back remarks of your guests. I thank you very much.
      The fish recipe which you speak is very successful. Indeed, it is simple to perform, stylish, tasty and colorful.
      MG, the mysterious, is right on one point. My original accompaniment was not a mayonnaise, but a roasted tomato sauce in the oven (a delight). A beautiful intuition of him.
      But it was eaten before I could immortalize, So no pictures of the Sauce. I propose you quickly to the site !!!
      So I replaced the tomato sauce at the last minute by a mayonnaise. This is an olive oil with basil, the same oil used for fish. This is a customized variant of the classic mayonnaise, (see mayonnaise do you want in here, Tips / advice / variants) made especially to accompany this fish. I hope you will follow my response to MG… 🙂

      • Porquier

        Cc… my dear Nathalie. ..I MDR from reading your message. ..and at the same time very appreciative facing your behavior. All the reviews are not taking…Tastes and colors being what they are…you had greatness…maturity. ..taking into account the point of view of other….and even suggest a recipe on this basis. Bravo! MG that can not be proud.
        For playback of your dishes…I have never had any merit. chance. …the chance wanted that in my garden one finds a lot of ingredients that you use. C is a chance for me in that n n not using certain lack of imagination. Example….Beet greens. Some of your readers n no garden… or consumer of foods. So despite the good will. …can not that a admirer.chaqu will contribute to your blog in its own way. All means are good to take with the same consideration…..
        Too funny sauce that was eaten before being immortalized . ……

        • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


          I am aware and delighted that all who come to the site do live in their own way. I am grateful to all and take into account all contributions.
          My general appreciation is not inconsistent with an underscore specific things or recurrent. Like some other, you are a faithful of the early days and you almost always try the recipes that you adapt to circumstances, the products you willing, the tastes of your guests or your household and especially thou make me return.
          You do not need a garden to cook the recipes Site that want simple, tasty, colorful , original and balanced, based products found on the market (en dehors des feuilles de betteraves 🙂 !!!!
          MG tomato sauce will be soon on the blog….

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      You kept your word and visited the site. I thank you. I hope you will be one of our most loyal readers.
      This sunny recipe bream, tomato and basil is absolutely tasty and pleasing to the eye.
      When you realize the recipe? Keep me informed of your culinary soaring …
      I hope you're subscribed to the mailing list to be quickly informed about news.

  • Cyr2B

    What a feast for the eyes and certainly for the taste buds !! I'm going tomorrow to buy the necessary ingredients for this recipe mesmerizing, in order to prepare and enjoy with my kids this week.
    Nath thank you !!!

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath

      Good evening,

      The pen still as sharp and efficient in what I see !!!
      Cyril, I would say that you do in the lyricism! My recipes were never described as’ “bewitching”…
      Thank you very much for your loyalty to our blog.
      Keep us informed of your culinary flights of fancy with your children.

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