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The marriage of a vegetable and a fruit in season

The marriage of a vegetable and a fruit in season

I tell you straight away

I am an assumed romantic

A declared blue flower

A proven sentimental

An assured idealist.

I like romance, same complicated

Live a Fitz (the gladiators understood) are a patent example.

I like oaths that want to be for eternity

The You and Me, always full

The unlikely encounters, the exalted thunderbolts

I like mixes, emotion at will.

I like assemblies, the nuptials

I like wedding rings, the match

I like jumpsuits, the engagements

I love weddings, assortments

I like chords, associations

I like meetings, les célébrations…

The sweet potato occupies a prominent place

In our menus lately

The beautiful orange-colored vegetable

What I was planning to cook

Was an almost exact reflection of the tangerine purchased earlier

Why not link them ?

Why wouldn't these two like each other ?

So, no further questions

The two are associated with passion

Under the fire of questions

Of the dumbfounded household with good reason.

what are you doing mom ?

What exactly do you want to achieve ?

Nath, another one of your experiments ?

What do sweet potatoes and tangerines have in common?, really ?

Let me do it, I like intuition,


Yes, this odd coupling from

Many by the merest chance

And a little by my ambitions

From matchmaker at all costs

Became an amazing and tasty dish

A delicious and balanced curiosity

A harmony of colors, a vegetable love story

A formula in tune

The marriage of a vegetable and a fruit in season

BN Nath

11 and 19 /03/2016

Marriage between a vegetable and fruit of season
Marriage between a vegetable and fruit of season

The marriage of a vegetable and a fruit in season

For 4 people

Preparation : 15 minutes

Baking : 30 minutes

What you need

– 1 large sweet potato around 800 grams or 2 from 400 grams each (These vegetables are readily available in markets or supermarkets)

– 1 big tangerine

– 3 tablespoons d & rsquo; d & rsquo oil; olive (I used a fragrant basil oil)

- Pepper

- Salt

Marriage between a vegetable and fruit of season
Marriage between a vegetable and fruit of season

Preparation of the recipe

- Preheat oven to 250 °

– Chemiser (dress) a baking oven baking paper, oiling

- Wash the sweet potatoes with water, although the brush and clean their skin to remove all traces of soil or sand

- Peel them and cut on the bias, pieces 0,5 cm

- Arrange the potatoes on the plate

- Drizzle 2 spoonfuls of oil

- Add salt and pepper to taste

- Bake for 15 minutes at 250 °

- The return for even cooking

Marriage between a vegetable and fruit of season
Marriage between a vegetable and fruit of season

During that time

- Cut finely Mandarin with its skin

– After 15 to 20 minutes, exit from the oven

- Place the mandarin slices of sweet potatoes

- Add a tablespoon of oil

- Bake again for 15 minutes at 200 °

- It's ready

Treat yourself !!!

Marriage between a vegetable and fruit of season
Marriage between a vegetable and fruit of season

Marriage between a vegetable and fruit of season
Marriage between a vegetable and fruit of season

Marriage between a vegetable and fruit of season
Marriage between a vegetable and fruit of season

Tips / advice / variants

* This dish can be eaten as is, potatoes are melting and almost candied tangerines.

* It can also be served with a Mayonnaise do you want, in here, Fillets of sea bream oven garlic and olive oil, A sunny plate of sea bream, tomato and basil, Tomato sauces all or with a Beef chopped mint

* This recipe goes well with roast, the lamb ribs, piggy, or even fish and poultry.

* I removed the skin of vegetables for convenience, so that my children can also sample this delicious dish. If the skin does not bother you, keep it.

* I have other revenue reserves. As I wrote in the article Sweet potato tasty morsels, ce légume est inspirant 🙂 -)



  • Barbara Raye

    As always you make my mouth water….. your dishes look very delicious and I’m going to give it a try and I will also try to make it…. wish me luck….LOL

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      Don’t have your clothes wet please 🙂 🙂 !!!
      This is a recipe out of my imagination i hope you will try it and share with us
      I also hope you will suscribe to my blog to be aware of the new recipes, it’s free
      I wish you luckLOL and thanks you to encourage me on myjourney”, no i’m not Olivia Pope,. My father is sweet, not like Rowan

  • Porquier

    Nath….m he has just read your poem to be inhabited by huge desire to discover this dish…. this originality…..this wonder…
    A read you…we think has quickly BARBARA Cartland who thinks that “A healthy diet directs’ Sexual energy stakeholders.”
    And closer images ….the composition….and the realization of this dish….by report tone poem….I am in agreement with Raymond Devos when he questions….
    ” Have you noticed that’ table dishes that they serve you put the words in his mouth? ”

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      I will simply answer by quoting Theodore Zeldin, sociologist and British philosopher :

      « La gastronomie est l’art d’utiliser la nourriture pour créer le bonheur. »

      Si mes petits plats ainsi que mes modestes écrits peuvent te procurer, ainsi qu’à d’autres un peu de joie, alors cela me fait chaud au cœur.

  • Virginia

    Nathalie, marieuse devant l’éternel

    Tes envolées lyriques m’enchantent
    Tes accords, tes combinaisons m’exaltent
    Avec toi les mots dansent
    Avec toi les couleurs valsent
    Dans une association improbable
    Et le résultat est remarquable !

    Toi, femme occidentale sémillante
    Toi, powerful African woman
    you undertake
    You surprise me.
    Bless surprising harmonies
    Bless grim metaphors
    A ravishing your alliances
    I adhere without restraint
    And tell you: vas-and, continue !

    Virginia G.

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      For years we have been friends
      And I have ceased to be ébaubie
      By your intelligence versatile
      For your brilliant relevance.

      Doctor, thou art by vocation,
      Passion and profession
      great poet you are in your essence
      In any incandescent.

      The guts and heart
      Your encouragement touch me
      Your words and your fervor
      Once again, did fly!

      BN Nath

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