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New Wings of Gourmet / Interview by Sonia Chaufourier / AKB a women


THE 05 MAY 2018


Hello Dear All and All

Je vous invite à lire cette belle interview réalisée par Sonia Chaufourier pour AKB a women et vous en saurez un peu plus sur l’actualité et les projets de notre structure.

“The Plurielles Entrepreneurs Competition thus honors neighborhood entrepreneurs and future entrepreneurs and diversity. It is aimed at all project leaders or business leaders residing in a priority district of city policy and / or diversity.
Participating in the contest allows you to grow and get to know your project, integrate a strong professional network, to meet and network with other creative companies and professionals.

The contest gives Akb several objectives :

  • Valuing these women personally neighborhoods and / or diversity through their work
  • Emphasize and support their professionalism, their careers and their ideas
  • support from the beginnings of their entrepreneurial adventure
  • Share life experiences, motivation that have set an example” (…)

Akb , This is not just a contest. It is also accompanying offers tailored to your vision and your budget. Click for more information https://akbusiness.fr/. On the site, you also have to detail Contest 2019.



Toute l’interview ci-dessous !!! Cliquez et bonne lecture 😉

Thank you.



Voir aussi cet article écrit par mes soins, publié le 18 May 2018 sur le fameux concours des Entrepreneuses Plurielles ainsi que le détails des projets des différentes lauréates 2018.

L’article ci-contrecliquez . The prize jury ❤️du Favorite Awards for entrepreneurs Plurielles 2018 !!!


Questions, clarification, une collaboration, workshops, de la création de contenus, contact us by email envoleesgourmandes@gmail.com

I hope you …


Ps: Poetic and greedy collection is available …



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