Accompagnements,  Around ...,  The vegetable garden to the plate,  Légumes

Tagliatelle with zucchini

Tagliatelle with zucchini

Tagliatelles de courgettes-menthe-vinaigre balsamique-huile de noisette
Tagliatelle with zucchini

Hello everyone,

How in less than 10 minutes chrono, concoct an entry, coaching and meat (Beef chopped mint) parfumés et goûteux ? Here's how, Quick !

The 3 revenue should be performed concomitantly, simultaneously.

If not, it will take 15 minutes for the menu instead of 8.

For 2 to 4 people

Preparation : 3 minutes

Baking : 4 minutes

What you need

– 2 courgettes (here, My vegetable garden)

– 1 tablespoon hazelnut oil

- From rapeseed oil

– 1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

- Salt

- Of peppermint (this recipe, one fresh from the garden)


Preparation of the recipe

- Make julienne vegetables with a spiral cutting. In a kitchenware store, I bought a small handheld device that takes both the hourglass and giant pencil sharpener. he makes endless spirals.You can also simply grate the zucchini and cut into very thin slices

- In a large skillet or saucepan, put a tablespoon of canola oil and sauté over high heat, pendant 4 minutes zucchini tagliatelle. Gently stir and return so that the cook evenly

- Saler

- Separate them into 2 parts inégales, 1/3, 2/3


Zucchini-tagliatelle-mint-balsamic vinegar-hazelnut oil
Tagliatelle with zucchini


Tagliatelles de courgettes-menthe-vinaigre balsamique-huile de noisette
Tagliatelle with zucchini









- Add zucchini to serve entry, namely the first 1/3, une cuillerée à café d’huile de noisette et une cuillerée à soupe de vinaigre balsamique. Book

I have not taken the entrance photo. Unpardonable forgetfulness !? Be lenient !



- Arrange the remaining zucchini, the 2/3, on individual plates or a platter

- Garnish with mint leaves beautiful

Enjoy fast !


Tagliatelles de courgettes-menthe-vinaigre balsamique-huile de noisette
Tagliatelle with zucchini







Tips / advice / variants

* Mint can be replaced here by parsley. But you will not have to mouth the same intoxicating scent

* The olive oil can be used instead of that of rapeseed

Tagliatelles de courgettes-menthe-vinaigre balsamique-huile de noisette
Tagliatelle with zucchini






  • Valerie NM

    Ton post sur FB, me fait découvrir cette recette,ces recettes, simples et rapides.
    It's all I love.
    J’ai des courgettes mais pas de tagliatelles
    Je les note sur ma liste de courses.

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      What a pleasant surprise! I am delighted and touched to have a comment from you on the blog. I really hope that revenues have given you like cooking. I have desired, simple, original and tasty. So encourage your young friends workers like you, ainsi que ceux qui sont encore étudiants à venir piquer quelques astuces sur le site 🙂 !!! Thank you.

  • christine

    Zucchini tagliatelle tested and approved this afternoon by a majority, almost unanimously !
    It is rare, so I keep the memory recipe. Merci 🙂
    PS : I bought a small spiraleur !!! magic this little device, it gave me lots of idea to present the different vegetables.

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      The blog has become familiar to you and I thank you.
      These small zucchini tagliatelle, quickly cooked with great success, apparently also at home! With what you have accompanied them?
      Yes, the spiraleur can present differently vegetables. Do not forget the banal efficient, compagnon de toujours qui aide aussi à travailler les légumes 🙂
      Continue to follow us on
      Thank you

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      Tu l’as promis, you did it! You have explored the blog. Remains to spend in the kitchen and to keep us aware of your culinary adventures.
      Thank you for your compliments and I beg you to continue to encourage us and to publicize the blog to your surroundings. thank you again.

  • Porquier

    Tes fans…..The real ones……those very people who will stay forever….are still on the way….For some people……
    I am like a butterfly that flies from flower to flower….sucks nectar from plants….s and flies …….
    But I would stay as long as the smell of your kitchen captivate me. …

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      La fan, the true, who speaks about his entourage, which manifests, who writes on the blog, leaving comments, making suggestions, trying the recipes and made me share, it's you. The others are probably still on the way as you say. I only hope that the road is not too steep. I do my best so that the smell of my cooking continues to captivate you, for the beautiful butterfly does not go off on the wing.
      Thank you.

    • Envolées Gourmandes Nath


      Now, quotes?! Waoh!!!!! I'm glad you like my photos. Passion that more recent but intense. Given the number and fervor of your contributions, undoubtedly you're the fan number 1 this blog ! MERCIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII

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