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Cinnamon apple delicacies

Cinnamon apple delicacies
Cinnamon apple delicacies





Prompte guérison à Christophe

and Hi to Nataly and her lover somewhere between Germany and Poland 🙂






Cinnamon apple delicacies



Elles sont Golden ou de Gala

Reinette grise du Canada

Pink Lady

Fuji, Granny Smith

Belle de Boskoop

Reine des Reinettes

Transparente de Croncels …

Elles sont abondantes

Et fondantes


Et généreuses


Et colorées


Et croquantes

Hum…Je craque !!!

An idea ?

BN Nath





Cinnamon apple delicacies
Cinnamon apple delicacies



For 12 to 16 people (40 to 50 beignets)

Preparation : 15 minutes

Baking : 40 minutes


What you need



– 8 pommes Gala

– 250g wheat flour

– 3 eggs

– 100 g sucre

– 1 verre et ½ de lait

– 1 pinch of salt

De la cannelle

De l ’huile de tournesol pour la friture



Preparation of the recipe

Battre les œufs, le lait et le sucre dans un saladier

– Add flour, pinch of salt, la levure et mélanger pour obtenir une pâte lisse, d’une consistance à peu près semblable à une pâte à crêpes


Cinnamon apple delicacies
Cinnamon apple delicacies



Eplucher les pommes et les tailler en rondelles (d’environ 1 cm).

– Place them in a dish

– With a small cookie cutter, a knife or peeler, remove the heart or the stalk

– Sprinkle the cinnamon slices


Cinnamon apple delicacies
Cinnamon apple delicacies



– Put a pan on the fire with the frying oil and heat it

– Dip the apple pieces into the dough, drain them as much as possible, then immerse them in hot oil (donuts should cook without burning)

– Turn the donuts as soon as they are golden on one side

– Place them as you go on absorbent paper to soak up the excess oil.

– Remove the crusts that form as you go to have a more or less clean oil

– Donuts can be served hot or warm or cold and dusted with icing sugar.

They are delicious and melt in the mouth !!!


Cinnamon apple delicacies
Cinnamon apple delicacies


Cinnamon apple delicacies
Cinnamon apple delicacies
Cinnamon apple delicacies
Cinnamon apple delicacies




Tips / advice / variants

* You can replace sunflower oil with another neutral oil, rapeseed or peanuts

* Nutmeg is a great substitute for cinnamon. A delight !!!

* Other varieties of apples can replace the Gala (la Golden, the Queen of Reinettes, la Fuji, La Red Delicious, La Boskoop…)



Cinnamon apple delicacies
Cinnamon apple delicacies




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