topicality,  Autres gourmandises,  Brunch,  Contributions,  Desserts,  Envolées lyriques,  Missives goûteuses,  Gluten free

pink ball rolling and chantilly

One more year for my right arm

Candice B, it is obvious.

Happy Birthday

My little heart.

BN Nath

The 25/10/2016




pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly



Hello Dear All,


Cette recette participe au défi du mois d’octobre « Compile me a menu ».

CMUM, est un défi culinaire créé par Seb de et son associée Nath, to which Sandra from the blog Another cake was added

pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly

The challenge of the month : October, the pink kitchen

De multiples communication actions are organized throughout the month of October all over the world dans le but de faire prendre conscience au plus grand nombre, of this serious disease of breast cancer. Baptisée «Octobre rose » en France, this global communication operation created at the beginning of the years 1990 brings together associations, health professionals and health organizations, sick people and those around them around the pink ribbon symbol, become the emblem of the fight against breast cancer.


Les organisateurs :


pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly


Je me suis inspirée de mes « Billes qui roulent », que Nath avait bien aimées, recette avec laquelle je participais déjà, au mois de juin à « Compile-moi un menu »


Ball rolling

Ball rolling

N’amassent peut-être pas mousse

Mais une foule

Delicious sweet things ...

BN Nath

The 17/06/2016

pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly

Like a whipped rosy ???…. :- )

pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly

pink ribbon

For your breasts



I dare

Pink Ribbon

From October rose.

BN Nath

The 24/10/2016

pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly


pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly

pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly

pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly

pink ball rolling and chantilly

For about 25 pink ball

Preparation : 30 minutes

Baking : cru

What you need

– 200 g of grated coconut

– 3 tablespoons of cottage cheese (ou crème de coco pour une recette végétale)

– 25 g of organic cane sugar


pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly



In the pink

– 2 small cooked beets and chopped fine (or large)

– 5 tablespoons of hot water or (8 tablespoons of cold water and cook 2 minutes on high heat)

- Marinate beets in hot water 10 minutes or cook for 2 minutes to harvest about 6 tablespoons juice


pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly



For pink chantilly

– 30 cl full cream (at least 35% fat !!! otherwise does not whipped, (ou crème de coco pour une recette végétale)

– 2 tablespoons icing sugar

– 2 cuillères à soupe de jus de betterave. Je dois essayer avec le jus de foléré/bissap/calices d’hibiscus


pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly








Preparation of the recipe

- In a salad bowl, déposer la noix de coco râpée, the 2 cuillères à soupe de fromage blanc épais et le sucre de canne

– Mélanger les ingrédients à l’aide d’une cuillère, with a fork or spatula until a homogeneous paste is obtained

- Add 2 cuillères à soupe de jus de betterave. Add a little juice if necessary until the desired color is obtained

- With a teaspoon, or even your fingers, take some coconut paste and form a small ball (the size of a large ball) roll it between your hands previously washed and moistened

- Repeat the process until the mixture


pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly


For pink chantilly

- Well put your ingredients in the fridge beforehand. I even put my bowl a few minutes ( about 15 minutes) freezer. The container and cream must always be fresh to be successful chantilly

- Mix the cream with the icing sugar and beet juice in very cold bowl, then using your mechanical whip (like me !!! again…) or, simpler and less tiring, electric,

- Whip the cream and sugar already rose slowly at first, then faster and faster as and as it rises and thickens

- The whipped cream is ready when it is mounted and when it forms a beak at the end of the whisk.


Rolling pink balls and whipped cream
pink ball rolling and chantilly








Tips / advice / variants

* Vous pouvez servir vos billes roses au chantilly avec un velvety mango lime, A mug for two, et même associer ces billes à une ripe papaya jam with ginger ou à un Sesame, ouvre-toi…

* Ces billes de coco peuvent être dégustées pendant un brunch, a dessert, ou un goûter


pink ball rolling and chantilly
pink ball rolling and chantilly




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