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Quator plantain pizza



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Hello Dear All,

Another video of my creative variations on plantain. Use the ingredients you want. The aromatic herbs that you like, meat and fish you crave. Enjoy your meal and don’t hesitate to leave comments and register at the following address é for future workshops (plantain banana of course, but also mango, yam, manioc, lawyer, coconut, Yam, everyday cooking, gourmet aperitifs… etc …without forgetting the basics, pasta, puff pastry, broken, sweet …)

See you soon,

Ps: You are of course subscribed(e) to the blog, n & rsquo; do-not? What are you waiting for?And talk about it around you …It's free :-). N’oubliez pas la chaîne Youtube.

Nathalie Brigaud Oum

Un énorme merci à ma fille Candice et à mon Cher et très Tendre

Achievement : Candice B

Supervision: Fred B



Très important

J’avais un très vieux four dont les temps ne sont plus d’actualité. Tout cuisait trop vite.

add 7 minutes donc 14 mn au four à 220 degrés d’abord et ensuite 3 minutes en plus, dont 6 minutes . Total 14+6mn.





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