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Workshop Wednesday or weekend with children (fresh pasta)

Good morning,


Dear All and All,


It's Wednesday, children's day...

Our dear little ones are back from school, college or high school. Some of us also took the day to be with our beloved offspring. This is the opportunity, today or during the upcoming weekend, to do an activity that everyone enjoys.

So, why not a workshop, featuring small homemade pastas ? Why not carry out a project together that goes beyond the culinary ? Our bodies, our emotions and our minds will be nourished. It’s also the time to exchange, on the day, at the start of the week. We will argue sometimes, compliment us often, laugh a lot, always have fun.

A parent-child workshop, the progress of which Lukas my son and I enjoyed with delight. Lukas' face here The sweets Lukas

We share our achievements with you while waiting to see you participate in the lyrical and gourmet workshop on cassava. 03 next February in Paris

Our little pastas will whet your appetite ? So, only one address, what can I say about the addresses that will allow you to taste the tastiest Italian pasta or pizza?. Not counting of course, specialties not well known under our skies, but no less succulent.

All the testimonies I have collected are unanimous. I can’t wait to experience the taste myself and tell you about it…from the menu !!! Before this gourmet meeting, je vous livre quelques mots sur les deux trentenaires qui bousculent le marché de la restauration à Paris …


Victor Lugger et Tigrane Seydoux

De gauche à droite, Victor Lugger et Tigrane Seydoux.
De gauche à droite, Victor Lugger et Tigrane Seydoux.



Ils sont amis, ils sont passionnés de gastronomie Italienne, ils sont à la tête d’une entreprise florissante et n’ont pas fini de nous étonner …

Je les ai rencontrés (et à mon grand étonnement entendu parler d’eux pour la première fois 🙁 ) dans le cadre de la formation Stand UP /HEC, parcours entrepreneurial que je suis depuis près de 3 ans de manière intermittente en fonction des modules proposés. Ils animent, avec des intervenants les uns plus passionnants que les autres, (fin vendredi pour la théorie) la HEC Food Academy.

Ces deux trentenaires, left HEC in 2008, wanted, by opening their first restaurant in 2015, recreate the atmosphere of a trattoria (simple italian restaurant, without pretention, serving inexpensive traditional dishes). They are to this day, dazzlingly, at the head of six successful establishments.

They claim 100% of products directly from producers in Italy, 100% home made and brigades (i'm talking about cooking !!!) 100% italian.

In sum, " beautiful, good, clean, cheap ”, expression that often came back to Victor's mouth, just like the hammering out of "the key success factors" of a business to be created or existing.

As for Tigrane, I particularly liked the exchanges he established. Interactivity with the room, Executive Chef Cirro, and Chef Salvatore who accompanied him.

Tigran developed more than a theory, a real practice, his daily personal experience of the corporate culture.

The leitmotifs of the Big Mamma group have been developed:

– Proximity management, meritocracy, authenticity, internal communication, listening, humility, excellence and the sharing of a vision. I was moved by "her contagion of happiness", notion in which I believe deeply, even if I formulate it differently.

Finally, let us add that the co-founders of the Big Mamma restaurants, were sacred in 2017, “entrepreneurs de l’annéedu Gault et Millau.

Bravo !!!


Cirro et le clan des ...Italiens
Cirro et le clan desItaliens


Consulter le site du groupe pour voir le restaurant qui vous fera envie 🙂


Now, place à la recette et aux images de l’atelier avec mon fils Lukas, un soir de pluie…


Workshop pasta with my son
Workshop pasta with my son


For 3 to 6 people

Preparation : 10 minutes – Repos 30 minutes 1 hour

Baking : 7 minutes


Workshop pasta with my son
Workshop pasta with my son

What you need

– 300 g of semi-whole wheat flour bio (+50 g pour tous les saupoudrages )

– 3 eggs

– Salt

– 1 cuillère à soupe d’huile d’olive


Preparation of the recipe

– Pour the flour onto a clean work surface or in a bowl. For my part, j & rsquo; operates on a large table on which I place a transparent solid sheet and I finish the cut on a board.

– Make a well in center, put the salt and pour the previously broken eggs in a container and beaten in omelette

– At & rsquo; d & rsquo assistance; spatula, Gently mix the eggs and flour starting with the center.

– When the eggs have absorbed flour, work the dough by hand about 5 to 10 minutes until & rsquo; to that & rsquo; it is homogeneous, compact and without lumps (Stir the & rsquo; water if the dough is too dry or flour if the dough is too sticky).

– Form two balls, wrap in plastic wrap and let stand 1 hour at room temperature.

– On lightly floured surface, lower (flatten and stretch) each dough very thinly to the & rsquo; d & rsquo assistance; a roll (about 2 mm & rsquo; thickness).

– Fold dough several times on itself to form two large rolls, then cutting it into slices 0,5 1cm


Workshop pasta with my son
Workshop pasta with my son


Faites cuire vos pâtes dans un grand volume d’eau bouillante environ 5/7 minutes en veillant à ce qu’elles ne s’agglomèrent pas

Régalez-vous avec Tomato sauces all, ou encore avec ce Duo chicken and fresh tomatoes flavored with bay leaves


Workshop pasta with my son
Workshop pasta with my son


Avec les chutes de pâtes, nous avons réalisé un chausson fourré, Yum…



Tips / Advice / Variants

*Ne pas hésiter à fariner les pâtes, the work surface and your cutting board so that the pasta does not stick together

*The longer you let the pasta dry, the less they stick together and become hard. You can keep them 2 or 3 days

*Have fun making pasta with seeds, colorful, spices,. Play with shapes, the flours, textures. Make way for’ imagination …


Ps: Photos of pasta taken at night with my phone


See you later.


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