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A mug for two

A mug for two

A mug for two
A mug for two




To those whose hope has been fulfilled

And live their dream to satiety.


To those who no longer believe

And swear that there does resume more.


To those who seek without abdicating

And may be about to find.


And even those I have not named.


Happy Valentine's Day to all ... and enjoy reading

A mug for two
A mug for two


I want to know the embrace of the Other Crazy

Having an idyll joys and constraints

Living love the myriad hues

I hope to lament.

I want to know the worship of an accomplice half

Avoir d’une union les certitudes et les caprices

Goûter d’une liaison les malices et les délices

J’espère jusqu’au supplice.

Je veux déguster de l’amour la blessure

Savoir de la passion la brûlure

Découvrir enfin du bonheur l’augure

J’espère jusqu’à l’usure.

BN Nath

Avril 1999

A mug for two
A mug for two


For 2 🙂

Preparation time : 8 minutes

Cooking time : cru


What you need

– 1 grosse mangue bien mûre

– 2 mandarines (juice and zest)


A mug for two
A mug for two


Preparation of the recipe

Râper une mandarine pour en prélever le zeste, book

– Peel mango

Couper la pulpe du fruit en dés et la mettre au blender avec le jus des deux mandarines. Beware seed !!!

– Mix finely all

Verser le velouté obtenu dans une grande tasse à café et décorer de zestes de mandarine

Savourez à deux 🙂 🙂 ou tout(e) seul(e) 🙂


A mug for two
A mug for two


Tips / advice / variants

* Mandarin zest brings a delicate and original flavor to this recipe

* With a little honey, it's even better…

* This velouté can be savored as it is with a teaspoon or accompany many of your pastries..


A mug for two
A mug for two





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