1st poetry and greedy collection,  topicality,  Brunch,  Desserts,  Dietetic,  Envolées lyriques,  Missives goûteuses,  Go gourmands

Tic… tac… tic… tac …My first poetry collection and greedy

Nath Brigaud Oum TH 2018-1


Hello and I welcome you, All and All…

Thank you for being at home …


In the program…


Tic… tac… tic… tac …
My first book, what did I say, rather a nice poetic and gourmet collection. More details and presales soon. I can't wait to share this great adventure with You…, You thanks to whom all this is possible.

Gourmet flights, it is also :

– Highlight African cuisine and products that are often overlooked or ignored by the general public

– Organize individual or group workshops in France or elsewhere in the world, with local authorities, associations or individuals

– Stimulate creativity, l’inventivité dans l’écrit et l’assiette en mariant la littérature, la plume, l’émotion et la gastronomie

– Enhance quality products from Africa in general and Cameroon in particular through creative cuisine

Réaliser des recettes pour les marques et restaurateurs

Animer des restaurants éphémères

Valoriser les arts de la table

– Promote the social and solidarity economy as much as possible by working with social integration actors and organic farming

– Develop original solutions to fight illiteracy, illiteracy and exclusion

Enseigner, share, apprendre, share…

Questions, des commandes, clarification, des collaborations?

Un mail : envoleesgourmandes@gmail.com
Un numéro: 0033609033758

I hope you,

Thank you 😉 😉

Nathalie Brigaud Oum

Nath Brigaud Oum TH 2018-3



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